Source code for hydpy.core.objecttools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module implements tools to help to standardize the functionality of the
different objects defined by the HydPy framework."""
# import...
# ...from standard library
from __future__ import annotations
import builtins
import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import inspect
import itertools
import numbers
import sys
import textwrap
import types
from typing import *
from typing import TextIO

# ...from site-packages
import black
import numpy
import wrapt

# ...from HydPy
import hydpy
from hydpy import config

    from hydpy.core import devicetools

_builtinnames = set(dir(builtins))

T = TypeVar("T")
T1 = TypeVar("T1")
T2 = TypeVar("T2")
T3 = TypeVar("T3")
ReprArg = Union[

[docs] def classname(self: object) -> str: """Return the class name of the given instance object or class. >>> from hydpy import classname >>> from hydpy import pub >>> classname(float) 'float' >>> classname(pub.options) 'Options' """ if inspect.isclass(self): return self.__name__ return type(self).__name__
[docs] def value_of_type(value: object) -> str: """Returns a string containing both the informal string and the type of the given value. This function is intended to simplifying writing HydPy exceptions, which frequently contain the following phrase: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import value_of_type >>> value_of_type(999) 'value `999` of type `int`' """ return f"value `{value}` of type `{classname(value)}`"
[docs] def modulename(self: object) -> str: """Return the module name of the given instance object. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import modulename >>> from hydpy import pub >>> print(modulename(pub.options)) optiontools """ return self.__module__.split(".")[-1]
def _search_device( self: object, ) -> Optional[Union[devicetools.Node, devicetools.Element]]: from hydpy.core import devicetools # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel while True: if self is None: return None device = vars(self).get("node", vars(self).get("element")) if isinstance(device, (devicetools.Node, devicetools.Element)): return device for test in ("_model", "model", "seqs", "pars", "subvars"): master = vars(self).get(test) if master is not None: self = master break else: return None
[docs] def devicename(self: object) -> str: """Try to return the name of the (indirect) master |Node| or |Element| instance, if not possible return `?`. >>> from hydpy import prepare_model >>> model = prepare_model("hland_v1") >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import devicename >>> devicename(model) '?' >>> from hydpy import Element >>> e1 = Element("e1", outlets="n1") >>> e1.model = model >>> devicename(e1) 'e1' >>> devicename(model) 'e1' """ device = _search_device(self) if device is None: return "?" return
def _devicephrase(self: object, objname: Optional[str] = None) -> str: name_ = getattr(self, "name", type(self).__name__.lower()) device = _search_device(self) if device and objname: return f"`{name_}` of {objname} `{}`" if objname: return f"`{name_}` of {objname} `?`" if device: return f"`{name_}` of {type(device).__name__.lower()} `{}`" return f"`{name_}`"
[docs] def elementphrase(self: object) -> str: """Return the phrase used in exception messages to indicate which |Element| is affected. >>> class Model: ... pass >>> model = Model() >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import elementphrase >>> elementphrase(model) '`model` of element `?`' >>> = "test" >>> elementphrase(model) '`test` of element `?`' >>> from hydpy import Element >>> model.element = Element("e1") >>> elementphrase(model) '`test` of element `e1`' """ return _devicephrase(self, "element")
[docs] def nodephrase(self: object) -> str: """Return the phrase used in exception messages to indicate which |Node| is affected. >>> from hydpy.core.sequencetools import Sequences >>> sequences = Sequences(None) >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import nodephrase >>> nodephrase(sequences) '`sequences` of node `?`' >>> = "test" >>> nodephrase(sequences) '`test` of node `?`' >>> from hydpy import Node >>> n1 = Node("n1") >>> nodephrase(n1.sequences.sim) '`sim` of node `n1`' """ return _devicephrase(self, "node")
[docs] def devicephrase(self: object) -> str: """Try to return the phrase used in exception messages to indicate which |Element| or which |Node| is affected. If not possible, return just the name of the given object. >>> class Model: ... name = "test" >>> model = Model() >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import devicephrase >>> devicephrase(model) '`test`' >>> from hydpy import Element >>> model.element = Element("e1") >>> devicephrase(model) '`test` of element `e1`' >>> from hydpy import Node >>> n1 = Node("n1") >>> devicephrase(n1.sequences.sim) '`sim` of node `n1`' """ return _devicephrase(self)
[docs] def valid_variable_identifier(string: str) -> None: """Raises an |ValueError| if the given name is not a valid Python identifier. For example, the string `test_1` (with underscore) is valid... >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import valid_variable_identifier >>> valid_variable_identifier("test_1") ...but the string `test 1` (with white space) is not: >>> valid_variable_identifier("test 1") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The given name string `test 1` does not define a valid \ variable identifier. Valid identifiers do not contain characters like \ `-` or empty spaces, do not start with numbers, cannot be mistaken with \ Python built-ins like `for`...) Also, names of Python built ins are not allowed: >>> valid_variable_identifier("print") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The given name string `print` does not define... """ if string in _builtinnames or not string.isidentifier(): raise ValueError( f"The given name string `{string}` does not define a valid " f"variable identifier. Valid identifiers do not contain " f"characters like `-` or empty spaces, do not start with " f"numbers, cannot be mistaken with Python built-ins like " f"`for`...)" )
[docs] def augment_excmessage( prefix: Optional[str] = None, suffix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> NoReturn: """Augment an exception message with additional information while keeping the original traceback. You can prefix and/or suffix text. If you prefix something (which happens much more often in the HydPy framework), the sub-clause ', the following error occurred:' is automatically included: >>> from hydpy.core import objecttools >>> import textwrap >>> try: ... 1 + "1" ... except BaseException: ... prefix = "While showing how prefixing works" ... suffix = "(This is a final remark.)" ... objecttools.augment_excmessage(prefix, suffix) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While showing how prefixing works, the following error \ occurred: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' \ (This is a final remark.) Some exceptions derived by site-packages do not support exception chaining due to requiring multiple initialisation arguments. In such cases, |augment_excmessage| generates an exception with the same name on the fly and raises it afterwards: >>> class WrongError(BaseException): ... def __init__(self, arg1, arg2): ... pass >>> try: ... raise WrongError("info 1", "info 2") ... except BaseException: ... objecttools.augment_excmessage("While showing how prefixing works") Traceback (most recent call last): ... hydpy.core.objecttools.WrongError: While showing how prefixing works, \ the following error occurred: ('info 1', 'info 2') Never use function |augment_excmessage| outside except clauses: >>> objecttools.augment_excmessage("While trying to do something") Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: No exception available. (Call function `augment_excmessage` \ only inside except clauses.) """ exc_old = sys.exc_info()[1] if exc_old is None: raise RuntimeError( "No exception available. (Call function `augment_excmessage` " "only inside except clauses.)" ) message = str(exc_old) if prefix is not None: message = f"{prefix}, the following error occurred: {message}" if suffix is not None: message = f"{message} {suffix}" try: exc_new = type(exc_old)(message) except BaseException: exc_name = str(type(exc_old)).split("'")[1].split(".")[-1] exc_type = type(exc_name, (BaseException,), {}) exc_type.__module__ = exc_old.__module__ raise exc_type(message) from exc_old raise exc_new from exc_old
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])
[docs] def decorator(wrapper: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Function |decorator| adds type hints to function `decorator` of the site-package `wrapt` without changing its functionality.""" return cast(Callable[[F], F], wrapt.decorator(wrapper))
[docs] def excmessage_decorator(description_: str) -> Callable[[F], F]: """Wrap a function with |augment_excmessage|. Function |excmessage_decorator| is a means to apply function |augment_excmessage| more efficiently. Suppose you would apply function |augment_excmessage| in a function that adds and returns to numbers: >>> from hydpy.core import objecttools >>> def add(x, y): ... try: ... return x + y ... except BaseException: ... objecttools.augment_excmessage("While trying to add `x` and `y`") This works as excepted... >>> add(1, 2) 3 >>> add(1, []) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add `x` and `y`, the following error \ occurred: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list' ...but can be achieved with much less code using |excmessage_decorator|: >>> @objecttools.excmessage_decorator("add `x` and `y`") ... def add(x, y): ... return x+y >>> add(1, 2) 3 >>> add(1, []) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add `x` and `y`, the following error \ occurred: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list' Additionally, exception messages related to wrong function calls are now also augmented: >>> add(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add `x` and `y`, the following error \ occurred: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y' |excmessage_decorator| evaluates the given string like an f-string, allowing to mention the argument values of the called function and to make use of all string modification functions provided by modules |objecttools|: >>> @objecttools.excmessage_decorator( ... "add `x` ({repr_(x, 2)}) and `y` ({repr_(y, 2)})") ... def add(x, y): ... return x+y >>> add(1.1111, "wrong") Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add `x` (1.11) and `y` (wrong), the following \ error occurred: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str' >>> add(1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add `x` (1) and `y` (?), the following error \ occurred: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y' >>> add(y=1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add `x` (?) and `y` (1), the following error \ occurred: add() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x' Apply |excmessage_decorator| on methods also works fine: >>> class Adder: ... def __init__(self): ... self.value = 0 ... @objecttools.excmessage_decorator( ... "add an instance of class `{classname(self)}` with value " ... "`{repr_(other, 2)}` of type `{classname(other)}`") ... def __iadd__(self, other): ... self.value += other ... return self >>> adder = Adder() >>> adder += 1 >>> adder.value 1 >>> adder += "wrong" Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to add an instance of class `Adder` with value \ `wrong` of type `str`, the following error occurred: unsupported operand \ type(s) for +=: 'int' and 'str' It is made sure that no information of the decorated function is lost: >>> add.__name__ 'add' """ @wrapt.decorator def wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): # type: ignore[no-untyped-def] """Apply |augment_excmessage| when the wrapped function fails.""" try: return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException: info = kwargs.copy() info["self"] = instance argnames = inspect.getfullargspec(wrapped).args if argnames and (argnames[0] == "self"): argnames = argnames[1:] for argname, arg in zip(argnames, args): info[argname] = arg for argname in argnames: if argname not in info: info[argname] = "?" message = eval(f"f'While trying to {description_}'", globals(), info) augment_excmessage(message) return cast(Callable[[F], F], wrapper)
[docs] class ResetAttrFuncs: """Reset all attribute related methods of the given class temporarily. The "related methods" are defined in class attribute |ResetAttrFuncs.funcnames|. There are (at least) two use cases for class |ResetAttrFuncs|, initialization and copying, which are described below. In HydPy, some classes define a `__setattr__` method which raises exceptions when one tries to set "improper" instance attributes. The problem is, that such customized `setattr` methods often prevent from defining instance attributes within `__init__` methods in the usual manner. Working on instance dictionaries instead can confuse some automatic tools (e.g. pylint). Class |ResetAttrFuncs| implements a trick to circumvent this problem. To show how |ResetAttrFuncs| works, we first define a class with a `__setattr__` method that does not allow to set any attribute: >>> class Test: ... def __setattr__(self, name, value): ... raise AttributeError >>> test = Test() >>> test.var1 = 1 Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError Assigning this class to |ResetAttrFuncs| allows for setting attributes to all its instances inside a `with` block in the usual manner: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import ResetAttrFuncs >>> with ResetAttrFuncs(test): ... test.var1 = 1 >>> test.var1 1 After the end of the `with` block, the custom `__setattr__` method of the test class works again and prevents from setting attributes: >>> test.var2 = 2 Traceback (most recent call last): ... AttributeError The second use case is related to method `__getattr__` and copying. The following test class stores its attributes (for whatever reasons) in a special dictionary called "dic" (note that how |ResetAttrFuncs| is used in the `__init__` method): >>> class Test: ... def __init__(self): ... with ResetAttrFuncs(self): ... self.dic = {} ... def __setattr__(self, name, value): ... self.dic[name] = value ... def __getattr__(self, name): ... try: ... return self.dic[name] ... except KeyError: ... raise AttributeError Principally, this simple implementation does its job but its instances are not easily copyable under all Python versions: >>> test = Test() >>> test.var1 = 1 >>> test.var1 1 >>> import copy >>> copy.deepcopy(test) # doctest: +SKIP Traceback (most recent call last): ... RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded ... |ResetAttrFuncs| can be used to implement specialized `__copy__` and `__deepcopy__` methods, which rely on the temporary disabling of `__getattr__`. For simple cases, one can import the predefined functions |copy_| and |deepcopy_|: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import copy_, deepcopy_ >>> Test.__copy__ = copy_ >>> test2 = copy.copy(test) >>> test2.var1 1 >>> Test.__deepcopy__ = deepcopy_ >>> test3 = copy.deepcopy(test) >>> test3.var1 1 Note that an infinite recursion is avoided by also disabling methods `__copy__` and `__deepcopy__` themselves. """ __slots__ = ("cls", "name2func") funcnames = ( "__getattr__", "__setattr__", "__delattr__", "__copy__", "__deepcopy__", ) def __init__(self, obj: object) -> None: self.cls = type(obj) self.name2func = {} for name_ in self.funcnames: if hasattr(self.cls, name_): self.name2func[name_] = self.cls.__dict__.get(name_) def __enter__(self) -> "ResetAttrFuncs": for name_ in self.name2func: if name_ in ("__setattr__", "__delattr__"): setattr(self.cls, name_, getattr(object, name_)) elif name_ == "__getattr__": setattr(self.cls, name_, object.__getattribute__) else: setattr(self.cls, name_, None) return self def __exit__( self, exception_type: Type[BaseException], exception_value: BaseException, traceback_: types.TracebackType, ) -> None: for name_, func in self.name2func.items(): if func: setattr(self.cls, name_, func) else: delattr(self.cls, name_)
[docs] def copy_(self: T) -> T: """Copy function for classes with modified attribute functions. See the documentation on class |ResetAttrFuncs| for further information. """ with ResetAttrFuncs(self): return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def deepcopy_(self: T, memo: Optional[Dict[int, object]]) -> T: """Deepcopy function for classes with modified attribute functions. See the documentation on class |ResetAttrFuncs| for further information. """ with ResetAttrFuncs(self): return copy.deepcopy(self, memo)
class _PreserveStrings: r"""Modifies |repr| for strings and floats, mainly for supporting clean float and path representations that are compatible with |doctest|. Use the already available instance `repr_` instead of initialising a new |Repr_| object. When value is a string, it is returned without any modification, except that the path separator "\" (Windows) is replaced with "/" (Linux): >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import repr_ >>> print(r"directory\file") directory\file >>> print(repr(r"directory\file")) 'directory\\file' >>> print(repr_(r"directory\file")) directory/file You can change this behaviour of function object |repr|, when necessary: >>> with repr_.preserve_strings(True): ... print(repr_(r"directory\file")) "directory/file" Behind the with block, |repr_| works as before (even in case of an error): >>> print(repr_(r"directory\file")) directory/file When value is a float, the result depends on how the option |Options.reprdigits| is set. Without defining a special value, |repr| defines the number of digits in the usual, system dependent manner: >>> from hydpy import pub >>> with pub.options.reprdigits(-1): ... repr(1.0/3.0) == repr_(1.0/3.0) True Through setting |Options.reprdigits| to a positive integer value, one defines the maximum number of decimal places, which allows for doctesting across different systems and Python versions: >>> repr_(1.0/3.0) '0.333333' >>> repr_(2.0/3.0) '0.666667' >>> repr_(1.0/2.0) '0.5' Changing the number of decimal places can be done via a with block: >>> with pub.options.reprdigits(3): ... print(repr_(1.0/3.0)) 0.333 Such a change is only temporary (even in case of an error): >>> repr_(1.0/3.0) '0.333333' |repr| can also be applied on numpy's float types: >>> import numpy >>> repr_(numpy.float64(1.0/3.0)) '0.333333' >>> repr_(numpy.float32(1.0/3.0)) '0.333333' >>> repr_(numpy.float16(1.0/3.0)) '0.333252' Note that the deviation from the `true` result in the last example is due to the low precision of |numpy.float16|. For scalar |numpy.ndarray| objects, |repr_| returns its item's string representation: >>> repr_(numpy.array(1.0/3.0)) '0.333333' On all types not mentioned above, the usual |repr| function is applied, e.g.: >>> repr([1, 2, 3]) '[1, 2, 3]' >>> repr_([1, 2, 3]) '[1, 2, 3]' """ newvalue: bool oldvalue: bool def __init__(self, preserve_strings: bool) -> None: self.newvalue = preserve_strings self.oldvalue = getattr(repr_, "_preserve_strings") def __enter__(self) -> None: setattr(repr_, "_preserve_strings", self.newvalue) def __exit__( self, exception_type: Type[BaseException], exception_value: BaseException, traceback: types.TracebackType, ) -> None: setattr(repr_, "_preserve_strings", self.oldvalue) class _Repr: """Modifies |repr| for strings and floats, mainly for supporting clean float and path representations that are compatible with |doctest|.""" def __init__(self) -> None: self._preserve_strings = False def __call__( self, value: object, decimals: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: if decimals is None: decimals = if isinstance(value, str): string = value.replace("\\", "/") if self._preserve_strings: return f'"{string}"' return string if isinstance(value, numpy.ndarray) and not value.ndim: value = value.item() if isinstance(value, numbers.Real) and ( not isinstance(value, numbers.Integral) ): value = float(value) if decimals > -1: string = f"{value:.{decimals}f}" string = string.rstrip("0") if string.endswith("."): string += "0" if string == "-0.0": return "0.0" return string return repr(value) @staticmethod def preserve_strings(preserve_strings: bool) -> _PreserveStrings: """Change the `preserve_string` option inside a with block.""" return _PreserveStrings(preserve_strings) repr_ = _Repr() r"""Modifies |repr| for strings and floats, mainly for supporting clean float and path representations that are compatible with |doctest|. Use the already available instance `repr_` instead of initialising a new |Repr_| object. When value is a string, it is returned without any modification, except that the path separator "\" (Windows) is replaced with "/" (Linux): >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import repr_ >>> print(r"directory\file") directory\file >>> print(repr(r"directory\file")) 'directory\\file' >>> print(repr_(r"directory\file")) directory/file You can change this behaviour of function object |repr|, when necessary: >>> with repr_.preserve_strings(True): ... print(repr_(r"directory\file")) "directory/file" Behind the with block, |repr_| works as before (even in case of an error): >>> print(repr_(r"directory\file")) directory/file When value is a float, the result depends on how the option |Options.reprdigits| is set. Without defining a special value, |repr| defines the number of digits in the usual, system dependent manner: >>> from hydpy import pub >>> with pub.options.reprdigits(-1): ... repr(1.0/3.0) == repr_(1.0/3.0) True Through setting |Options.reprdigits| to a positive integer value, one defines the maximum number of decimal places, which allows for doctesting across different systems and Python versions: >>> repr_(1.0/3.0) '0.333333' >>> repr_(2.0/3.0) '0.666667' >>> repr_(1.0/2.0) '0.5' Changing the number of decimal places can be done via a with block: >>> with pub.options.reprdigits(3): ... print(repr_(1.0/3.0)) 0.333 Such a change is only temporary (even in case of an error): >>> repr_(1.0/3.0) '0.333333' |repr| can also be applied on numpy's float types: >>> import numpy >>> repr_(numpy.float64(1.0/3.0)) '0.333333' >>> repr_(numpy.float32(1.0/3.0)) '0.333333' >>> repr_(numpy.float16(1.0/3.0)) '0.333252' Note that the deviation from the `true` result in the last example is due to the low precision of |numpy.float16|. For scalar |numpy.ndarray| objects, |repr_| returns its item's string representation: >>> repr_(numpy.array(1.0/3.0)) '0.333333' On all types not mentioned above, the usual |repr| function is applied, e.g.: >>> repr([1, 2, 3]) '[1, 2, 3]' >>> repr_([1, 2, 3]) '[1, 2, 3]' """
[docs] def repr_values(values: Iterable[object]) -> str: """Return comma separated representations of the given values using function |repr_|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import repr_values >>> repr_values([1.0/1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/3.0]) '1.0, 0.5, 0.333333' Note that the returned string is not wrapped. """ return ", ".join(repr_(value) for value in values)
[docs] def repr_numbers(values: ReprArg) -> str: """Return comma separated representations of the given numbers using function |repr_|. Currently, function |repr_numbers| can handle scalar values, 1-dimensional vectors, and 2-dimensional matrices: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import repr_numbers >>> repr_numbers(1.0/3.0) '0.333333' >>> repr_numbers([1.0/1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/3.0]) '1.0, 0.5, 0.333333' >>> repr_numbers([[1.0/1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/3.0], [1.0/4.0, 1.0/5.0, 1.0/6.0]]) '1.0, 0.5, 0.333333; 0.25, 0.2, 0.166667' Note that the returned string is not wrapped. """ if isinstance(values, numbers.Number): return repr_(values) result = [] ndim = 1 for value in values: if isinstance(value, numbers.Number): result.append(repr_(value)) else: result.append(", ".join(repr_(v) for v in value)) ndim = 2 if ndim == 1: return ", ".join(result) return "; ".join(result)
[docs] def repr_tuple(values: Iterable[object]) -> str: """Return a tuple representation of the given values using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import repr_tuple >>> repr_tuple([1./1., 1./2., 1./3.]) '(1.0, 0.5, 0.333333)' Note that the returned string is not wrapped. In the special case of an iterable with only one entry, the returned string is still a valid tuple: >>> repr_tuple([1.]) '(1.0,)' """ if len(list(values)) == 1: return f"({repr_values(values)},)" return f"({repr_values(values)})"
[docs] def repr_list(values: Iterable[object]) -> str: """Return a list representation of the given values using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import repr_list >>> repr_list([1./1., 1./2., 1./3.]) '[1.0, 0.5, 0.333333]' Note that the returned string is not wrapped. """ return f"[{repr_values(values)}]"
[docs] def assignrepr_value(value: object, prefix: str) -> str: """Return a prefixed string representation of the given value using function |repr|. Note that the argument has no effect. It is thought for increasing usage compatibility with functions like |assignrepr_list| only. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_value >>> print(assignrepr_value(1./3., "test = ")) test = 0.333333 """ return prefix + repr_(value)
[docs] def assignrepr_values( values: Sequence[object], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, _fakeend: int = 0, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned string representation of the given values using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_values >>> print(assignrepr_values(range(1, 13), "test(", 20) + ")") test(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_values(range(1, 13), "test(") + ")") test(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) To circumvent defining too long string representations, make use of the ellipsis option: >>> from hydpy import pub >>> with pub.options.ellipsis(1): ... print(assignrepr_values(range(1, 13), "test(", 20) + ")") test(1, ...,12) >>> with pub.options.ellipsis(5): ... print(assignrepr_values(range(1, 13), "test(", 20) + ")") test(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...,8, 9, 10, 11, 12) >>> with pub.options.ellipsis(6): ... print(assignrepr_values(range(1, 13), "test(", 20) + ")") test(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) """ ellipsis_ = int( if (ellipsis_ > 0) and (len(values) > 2 * ellipsis_): string = ( f"{repr_values(values[:ellipsis_])}" f", ...," f"{repr_values(values[-ellipsis_:])}" ) else: string = repr_values(values) blanks = " " * len(prefix) if width is None: wrapped = [string] _fakeend = 0 else: width -= len(prefix) wrapped = textwrap.wrap( text=string + "_" * _fakeend, width=width, break_long_words=False, ) if not wrapped: wrapped = [""] lines = [] for idx, line in enumerate(wrapped): if idx == 0: lines.append(f"{prefix}{line}") else: lines.append(f"{blanks}{line}") string = "\n".join(lines) return string[: len(string) - _fakeend]
class _AssignReprBracketed: """ "Double Singleton class", see the documentation on |assignrepr_tuple| and |assignrepr_list|.""" class _AlwaysBracketed: _new_value: bool _old_value: bool def __init__(self, value: bool) -> None: self._new_value = value self._old_value = _AssignReprBracketed._always_bracketed def __enter__(self) -> None: _AssignReprBracketed._always_bracketed = self._new_value def __exit__( self, exception_type: Type[BaseException], exception_value: BaseException, traceback: types.TracebackType, ) -> None: _AssignReprBracketed._always_bracketed = self._old_value _always_bracketed: bool = True _brackets: Literal["()", "[]", "{}"] def __init__(self, brackets: Literal["()", "[]", "{}"]) -> None: self._brackets = brackets def __call__( self, values: Sequence[object], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: nmb_values = len(values) if (nmb_values == 1) and not self._always_bracketed: return assignrepr_value(values[0], prefix) if nmb_values: string = ( assignrepr_values( values=values, prefix=prefix + self._brackets[0], width=width, _fakeend=1, ) + self._brackets[1] ) if (len(values) == 1) and (self._brackets[1] == ")"): return string[:-1] + ",)" return string return prefix + self._brackets @classmethod def always_bracketed(cls, always_bracketed: bool) -> _AlwaysBracketed: """Change the `always_bracketed` option inside a with block.""" return cls._AlwaysBracketed(always_bracketed) assignrepr_tuple = _AssignReprBracketed("()") """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned tuple string representation of the given values using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_tuple >>> print(assignrepr_tuple(range(10), "test = ", 22)) test = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_tuple(range(10), "test = ")) test = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) Functions |assignrepr_tuple| works also on empty iterables and those which possess only one entry: >>> print(assignrepr_tuple([], "test = ")) test = () >>> print(assignrepr_tuple([10], "test = ")) test = (10,) Optionally, bracketing single values can be prevented: >>> with assignrepr_tuple.always_bracketed(False): ... print(assignrepr_tuple([], "test = ")) ... print(assignrepr_tuple([10], "test = ")) ... print(assignrepr_tuple([10, 10], "test = ")) test = () test = 10 test = (10, 10) Behind the with block, |assignrepr_tuple| works as before (even in case of an error): >>> print(assignrepr_tuple([10], "test = ")) test = (10,) """ assignrepr_list = _AssignReprBracketed("[]") """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned list string representation of the given values using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_list >>> print(assignrepr_list(range(10), "test = ", 22)) test = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_list(range(10), "test = ")) test = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Functions |assignrepr_list| works also on empty iterables: >>> print(assignrepr_list((), "test = ")) test = [] Optionally, bracketing single values can be prevented: >>> with assignrepr_list.always_bracketed(False): ... print(assignrepr_list([], "test = ")) ... print(assignrepr_list([10], "test = ")) ... print(assignrepr_list([10, 10], "test = ")) test = [] test = 10 test = [10, 10] Behind the with block, |assignrepr_list| works as before (even in case of an error): >>> print(assignrepr_list([10], "test = ")) test = [10,] """
[docs] def assignrepr_values2( values: Iterable[Iterable[object]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed and properly aligned string representation of the given 2-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_values2 >>> import numpy >>> print(assignrepr_values2(numpy.eye(3), "test(") + ")") test(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) Functions |assignrepr_values2| works also on empty iterables: >>> print(assignrepr_values2([[]], "test(") + ")") test() """ lines = [] blanks = " " * len(prefix) for idx, subvalues in enumerate(values): if idx == 0: lines.append(f"{assignrepr_values(subvalues, prefix=prefix, width=width)},") else: lines.append(f"{assignrepr_values(subvalues, prefix=blanks, width=width)},") lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1] return "\n".join(lines)
def _assignrepr_bracketed2( assignrepr_bracketed1: _AssignReprBracketed, values: Sequence[Sequence[object]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned bracketed string representation of the given 2-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|.""" brackets = getattr(assignrepr_bracketed1, "_brackets") prefix += brackets[0] lines = [] blanks = " " * len(prefix) for idx, subvalues in enumerate(values): if idx == 0: lines.append(assignrepr_bracketed1(subvalues, prefix, width)) else: lines.append(assignrepr_bracketed1(subvalues, blanks, width)) lines[-1] += "," if (len(values) > 1) or (brackets != "()"): lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1] lines[-1] += brackets[1] return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def assignrepr_tuple2( values: Sequence[Sequence[object]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned tuple string representation of the given 2-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_tuple2 >>> import numpy >>> print(assignrepr_tuple2(numpy.eye(3), "test = ", 18)) test = ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_tuple2(numpy.eye(3), "test = ")) test = ((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) Functions |assignrepr_tuple2| works also on empty iterables and those which possess only one entry: >>> print(assignrepr_tuple2([[]], "test = ")) test = ((),) >>> print(assignrepr_tuple2([[], [1]], "test = ")) test = ((), (1,)) """ return _assignrepr_bracketed2(assignrepr_tuple, values, prefix, width)
[docs] def assignrepr_list2( values: Sequence[Sequence[object]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned list string representation of the given 2-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_list2 >>> import numpy >>> print(assignrepr_list2(numpy.eye(3), "test = ", 18)) test = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_list2(numpy.eye(3), "test = ")) test = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]] Functions |assignrepr_list2| works also on empty iterables: >>> print(assignrepr_list2([[]], "test = ")) test = [[]] >>> print(assignrepr_list2([[], [1]], "test = ")) test = [[], [1]] """ return _assignrepr_bracketed2(assignrepr_list, values, prefix, width)
def _assignrepr_bracketed3( assignrepr_bracketed1: _AssignReprBracketed, values: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[object]]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned bracketed string representation of the given 3-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|.""" brackets = getattr(assignrepr_bracketed1, "_brackets") prefix += brackets[0] lines = [] blanks = " " * len(prefix) for idx, subvalues in enumerate(values): if idx == 0: lines.append( _assignrepr_bracketed2(assignrepr_bracketed1, subvalues, prefix, width) ) else: lines.append( _assignrepr_bracketed2(assignrepr_bracketed1, subvalues, blanks, width) ) lines[-1] += "," if (len(values) > 1) or (brackets != "()"): lines[-1] = lines[-1][:-1] lines[-1] += brackets[1] return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] def assignrepr_tuple3( values: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[object]]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned tuple string representation of the given 3-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_tuple3 >>> import numpy >>> values = [numpy.eye(3), numpy.ones((3, 3))] >>> print(assignrepr_tuple3(values, "test = ", 18)) test = (((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), ((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))) If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_tuple3(values, "test = ")) test = (((1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)), ((1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))) Functions |assignrepr_tuple3| works also on empty iterables and those which possess only one entry: >>> print(assignrepr_tuple3([[[]]], "test = ")) test = (((),),) >>> print(assignrepr_tuple3([[[], [1]]], "test = ")) test = (((), (1,)),) """ return _assignrepr_bracketed3(assignrepr_tuple, values, prefix, width)
[docs] def assignrepr_list3( values: Sequence[Sequence[Sequence[object]]], prefix: str, width: Optional[int] = None, ) -> str: """Return a prefixed, wrapped and properly aligned list string representation of the given 3-dimensional value matrix using function |repr|. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assignrepr_list3 >>> import numpy >>> values = [numpy.eye(3), numpy.ones((3, 3))] >>> print(assignrepr_list3(values, "test = ", 18)) test = [[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]] If no width is given, no wrapping is performed: >>> print(assignrepr_list3(values, "test = ")) test = [[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]] Functions |assignrepr_list3| works also on empty iterables and those which possess only one entry: >>> print(assignrepr_list3([[[]]], "test = ")) test = [[[]]] >>> print(assignrepr_list3([[[], [1]]], "test = ")) test = [[[], [1]]] """ return _assignrepr_bracketed3(assignrepr_list, values, prefix, width)
[docs] def flatten_repr(self: object) -> str: """Remove the newline characters from the string representation of the given object. Complex string representations like the following one convenient when working interactively but cause line breaks when included in strings like in exception messages: >>> from hydpy import Node >>> node = Node("name", keywords="test") >>> node Node("name", variable="Q", keywords="test") Use function |flatten_repr| to prevent any line breaks: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import flatten_repr >>> print(flatten_repr(node)) Node("name", variable="Q", keywords="test") When implementing a new class into the HydPy framework requiring a complex "|repr| string", either customise a simpler "|str| string" manually (as already done for the class |Node| or use function |flatten_repr|: >>> print(f"We print {node}!") We print name! >>> __str__ = Node.__str__ >>> Node.__str__ = flatten_repr >>> print(f"We print {node}!") We print Node("name", variable="Q", keywords="test")! >>> Node.__str__ = __str__ The named tuple subclass |lstream_v001.Characteristics| of application model |lstream_v001| relies on function |flatten_repr|: >>> from hydpy.models.lstream_v001 import Characteristics >>> characteristics = Characteristics( ... waterstage=1.0, ... discharge=5.0, ... derivative=0.1, ... length_orig=3.0, ... nmb_subsections=4, ... length_adj=2.0, ... ) >>> characteristics Characteristics( waterstage=1.0, discharge=5.0, derivative=0.1, length_orig=3.0, nmb_subsections=4, length_adj=2.0, ) >>> print(characteristics) Characteristics(waterstage=1.0, discharge=5.0, derivative=0.1, \ length_orig=3.0, nmb_subsections=4, length_adj=2.0) You can apply function |flatten_repr| on arbitrary objects on the fly, but without any guarantee, the result always looks good. For the following simple examples on some built-in types, everything seems to work: >>> flatten_repr(1) '1' >>> flatten_repr((1, 2)) '(1, 2)' >>> flatten_repr([(1,2),(3,4)]) '[(1, 2), (3, 4)]' """ string = " ".join(string.strip() for string in repr(self).split("\n")) idx = string.find("(") if idx > 0: string = f"{string[:idx]}({string[idx+1:].strip()}" if string.endswith(", )"): string = f"{string[:-3]})" return string
@overload def round_( values: Union[object, Iterable[object]], decimals: Optional[int] = None, *, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", file_: Optional[TextIO] = None, ) -> None: ... @overload def round_( values: Union[object, Iterable[object]], decimals: Optional[int] = None, *, width: int = 0, lfill: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", file_: Optional[TextIO] = None, ) -> None: ... @overload def round_( values: Union[object, Iterable[object]], decimals: Optional[int] = None, *, width: int = 0, rfill: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", file_: Optional[TextIO] = None, ) -> None: ...
[docs] def round_( values: Union[object, Iterable[object]], decimals: Optional[int] = None, *, width: int = 0, lfill: Optional[str] = None, rfill: Optional[str] = None, sep: str = " ", end: str = "\n", file_: Optional[TextIO] = None, ) -> None: """Prints values with a maximum number of digits in doctests. See the documentation on function |repr| for more details, and note that the optional keyword arguments are passed to the print function. Usually one would apply function |round_| on a single or a vector of numbers: >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(1.0/3.0, decimals=6) 0.333333 >>> round_((1.0/2.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/4.0), decimals=4) 0.5, 0.3333, 0.25 The special case of 0-dimensional |numpy| |numpy.ndarray| objects does not cause a problem: >>> from numpy import array >>> round_(array(1.0/3.0)) 0.333333 Additionally, one can supply a `width` and a `rfill` argument: >>> round_(1.0, width=6, rfill="0") 1.0000 Alternatively, one can use the `lfill` arguments, which might e.g. be usefull for aligning different strings: >>> round_("test", width=6, lfill="_") __test Using both the `lfill` and the `rfill` argument raises an error: >>> round_(1.0, lfill="_", rfill="0") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: For function `round_` values are passed for both \ arguments `lfill` and `rfill`. This is not allowed. """ if decimals is None: decimals = with if isinstance(values, numpy.ndarray) and (values.ndim == 0): string = repr_(values.item()) elif isinstance(values, str): string = repr_(values) elif isinstance(values, string = repr_values(values) else: string = repr_(values) if (lfill is not None) and (rfill is not None): raise ValueError( "For function `round_` values are passed for both arguments " "`lfill` and `rfill`. This is not allowed." ) width = max(width, len(string)) if lfill is not None: string = string.rjust(width, lfill) if rfill is not None: string = string.ljust(width, rfill) print(string, sep=sep, end=end, file=file_)
@overload def extract( values: Union[Iterable[object], object], types_: Tuple[Type[T1]], skip: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[T1]: """Extract all objects of one defined type.""" @overload def extract( values: Union[Iterable[object], object], types_: Tuple[Type[T1], Type[T2]], skip: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[Union[T1, T2]]: """Extract all objects of two defined types.""" @overload def extract( values: Union[Iterable[object], object], types_: Tuple[Type[T1], Type[T2], Type[T3]], skip: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[Union[T1, T2, T3]]: """Extract all objects of three defined types."""
[docs] def extract( values: Union[Iterable[object], object], types_: Union[ Tuple[Type[T1]], Tuple[Type[T1], Type[T2]], Tuple[Type[T1], Type[T2], Type[T3]], ], skip: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[Union[T1, T2, T3]]: """Return a generator that extracts certain objects from `values`. This function is thought for supporting the definition of functions with arguments, that can be objects of certain types or that can be iterables containing these objects. The following examples show that function |extract| basically implements a type specific flattening mechanism: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import extract >>> tuple(extract("str1", (str, int))) ('str1',) >>> tuple(extract(["str1", "str2"], (str, int))) ('str1', 'str2') >>> tuple(extract((["str1", "str2"], [1,]), (str, int))) ('str1', 'str2', 1) If an object is neither iterable nor of the required type, the following exception is raised: >>> tuple(extract("str1", (int,))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: The given (sub)value `'str1'` is not an instance of \ the following classes: int. >>> tuple(extract((["str1", "str2"], [None, 1]), (str, int))) Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: The given (sub)value `None` is not an instance of \ the following classes: str and int. Optionally, |None| values can be skipped: >>> tuple(extract(None, (str, int), True)) () >>> tuple(extract((["str1", "str2"], [None, 1]), (str, int), True)) ('str1', 'str2', 1) """ if isinstance(values, types_): yield values # type: ignore[misc] # see issue 4949 elif skip and (values is None): return else: try: if isinstance(values, str) or not isinstance(values, Iterable): raise TypeError("temp") for value in values: for subvalue in extract(value, types_, skip): yield subvalue except TypeError as exc: if exc.args[0].startswith("The given (sub)value"): raise exc enum = enumeration(types_, converter=lambda x: x.__name__) raise TypeError( f"The given (sub)value `{repr(values)}` is not an " f"instance of the following classes: {enum}." ) from None
[docs] def enumeration( values: Iterable[T], converter: Callable[[T], str] = str, default: str = "", ) -> str: """Return an enumeration string based on the given values. The following four examples show the standard output of function |enumeration|: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import enumeration >>> enumeration(("text", 3, [])) 'text, 3, and []' >>> enumeration(('text', 3)) 'text and 3' >>> enumeration(('text',)) 'text' >>> enumeration(()) '' All given objects are converted to strings by function |str|, as shown by the first two examples. This behaviour can be changed by another function expecting a single argument and returning a string: >>> from hydpy import classname >>> enumeration(("text", 3, []), converter=classname) 'str, int, and list' You can define a default string that is returned in case an empty iterable is given: >>> enumeration((), default="nothing") 'nothing' Functin |enumeration| respects option |Options.ellipsis|: >>> from hydpy import pub >>> with pub.options.ellipsis(3): ... enumeration(range(10)) '0, 1, 2, ..., 7, 8, and 9' """ values_ = list(converter(value) for value in values) if not values_: return default if len(values_) == 1: return values_[0] if len(values_) == 2: return " and ".join(values_) ellipsis_ = int( if (ellipsis_ > 0) and (len(values_) > 2 * ellipsis_): values_ = values_[:ellipsis_] + ["..."] + values_[-ellipsis_:] return ", and ".join((", ".join(values_[:-1]), values_[-1]))
[docs] def description(self: object) -> str: """Returns the first "paragraph" of the docstring of the given object. Note that ugly things like multiple whitespaces and newline characters are removed: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import description, augment_excmessage >>> description(augment_excmessage) 'Augment an exception message with additional information while keeping \ the original traceback.' In case the given object does not define a docstring, the following is returned: >>> description(type("Test", (), {})) 'no description available' """ doc = self.__doc__ if doc is None or doc == "": return "no description available" return " ".join(doc.split("\n\n")[0].split())
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def get_printtarget(file_: Union[TextIO, str, None]) -> Generator[TextIO, None, None]: """Get a suitable file object reading for writing text useable as the `file` argument of the standard |print| function. Function |get_printtarget| supports three types of arguments. For |None|, it returns |sys.stdout|: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import get_printtarget >>> import sys >>> with get_printtarget(None) as printtarget: ... print("printtarget = stdout", file=printtarget) printtarget = stdout If passes already opened file objects, flushing but not closing them: >>> from hydpy import TestIO >>> with TestIO(): ... with open("testfile1.txt", "w") as testfile1: ... with get_printtarget(testfile1) as printtarget: ... print("printtarget = testfile1", file=printtarget, end="") >>> with TestIO(): ... with open("testfile1.txt", "r") as testfile1: ... print( printtarget = testfile1 It creates a new file and closes it after leaving the `with` block when receiving a file name: >>> with TestIO(): ... with get_printtarget("testfile2.txt") as printtarget: ... print("printtarget = testfile2", file=printtarget, end="") >>> with TestIO(): ... with open("testfile2.txt", "r") as testfile2: ... print( printtarget = testfile2 """ if file_ is None: yield sys.stdout elif isinstance(file_, str): with open(file_, "w", encoding=config.ENCODING) as printobject: yield printobject else: yield file_ file_.flush()
_black_filemode = black.FileMode()
[docs] def apply_black( name: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object, ) -> str: """Return a string representation of an instance of a class based on the given name, positional arguments and keyword arguments. .. _`black`: .. _`PEP 8`: |apply_black| helps to define `__repr__` methods that agree with `PEP 8` by using the code formatter `black`_: >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import apply_black >>> print(apply_black("Tester")) Tester() >>> print(apply_black("Tester", 1, "test")) Tester(1, "test") >>> print(apply_black("Tester", number=1, string="test")) Tester(number=1, string="test") >>> print(apply_black("Tester", 1, "test", number=2, \ string=f"a {10*'very '}long test")) Tester( 1, "test", number=2, string="a very very very very very very very very very very long test", ) """ arguments = ", ".join( itertools.chain( (repr(arg) for arg in args), (f"{name}={repr(value)}" for name, value in kwargs.items()), ) ) return black.format_str( f"{name}({arguments})", mode=_black_filemode, )[:-1]
def assert_never(value: NoReturn) -> NoReturn: """Function |assert_never| serves for exhaustiveness checking. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import assert_never >>> assert_never(1.0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... AssertionError: Cannot handle value `1.0` of type `float`. """ assert False, f"Cannot handle {value_of_type(value)}."
[docs] def value2bool(argument: str, value: Union[str, int]) -> bool: """Convert the given string or integer value to a boolean and return it. >>> from hydpy.core.objecttools import value2bool >>> value2bool("x", 0), value2bool("x", 1) (False, True) >>> for value in ("1", "tRue", "T", "yEs", "y", "oN"): ... assert value2bool("x", value) >>> for value in ("0 ", "False", "f", "No", "N", "OfF"): ... assert not value2bool("x", value) >>> value2bool("x", "Tr ue") Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: The value `Tr ue` given for argument `x` cannot be interpreted as a \ boolean. """ if isinstance(value, int): return bool(value) normed = value.strip().lower() if normed in ("1", "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on"): return True if normed in ("0", "false", "f", "no", "n", "off"): return False raise ValueError( f"The value `{value}` given for argument `{argument}` cannot be interpreted " f"as a boolean." )