Source code for hydpy.models.conv.conv_derived

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import...

# ...from site-packages
import numpy

# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import parametertools
from hydpy.models.conv import conv_control
from hydpy.models.conv import conv_fluxes

[docs] class NmbInputs(parametertools.Parameter): """The number of inlet nodes [-]""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, int, None, (1, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = (conv_control.InputCoordinates,) _DEPENDENT_SEQUENCES = ( conv_fluxes.Inputs, conv_fluxes.InputPredictions, conv_fluxes.InputResiduals, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) for sequence in if isinstance(sequence, self._DEPENDENT_SEQUENCES): sequence.shape = self.value
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Determine the number of inlet nodes via inspecting control parameter |InputCoordinates|. Note that invoking method |NmbInputs.update| like calling the parameter directly also sets the shape of flux sequence |conv_fluxes.Inputs|: >>> from hydpy.models.conv import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputcoordinates( ... in1=(0.0, 3.0), ... in2=(2.0, -1.0)) >>> derived.nmbinputs.update() >>> derived.nmbinputs nmbinputs(2) >>> fluxes.inputs.shape (2,) >>> derived.nmbinputs(3) >>> derived.nmbinputs nmbinputs(3) >>> fluxes.inputs.shape (3,) """ self([0])
[docs] class NmbOutputs(parametertools.Parameter): """The number of outlet nodes [-]""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, int, None, (1, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = (conv_control.OutputCoordinates,) _DEPENDENT_SEQUENCES = ( conv_fluxes.Outputs, conv_fluxes.OutputPredictions, conv_fluxes.OutputResiduals, ) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) for sequence in if isinstance(sequence, self._DEPENDENT_SEQUENCES): sequence.shape = self.value
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Determine the number of inlet nodes via inspecting control parameter |OutputCoordinates|. Note that invoking method |NmbOutputs.update| like calling the parameter directly also sets the shape of flux sequence |conv_fluxes.Outputs|: >>> from hydpy.models.conv import * >>> parameterstep() >>> outputcoordinates( ... out1=(0.0, 3.0), ... out2=(2.0, -1.0)) >>> derived.nmboutputs.update() >>> derived.nmboutputs nmboutputs(2) >>> fluxes.outputs.shape (2,) >>> derived.nmboutputs(3) >>> derived.nmboutputs nmboutputs(3) >>> fluxes.outputs.shape (3,) """ self([0])
[docs] class Distances(parametertools.Parameter): """Distances of the inlet nodes to each outlet node [?].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 2, float, None, (None, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = ( conv_control.InputCoordinates, conv_control.OutputCoordinates, )
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Determine the distances. The individual rows of parameter |Distances| correspond to the outlet nodes; the columns contain the inlet nodes' indices: >>> from hydpy.models.conv import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputcoordinates( ... in1=(0.0, 3.0), ... in2=(2.0, -1.0)) >>> outputcoordinates( ... out1=(0.0, 3.0), ... out2=(3.0, -2.0), ... out3=(1.0, 2.0)) >>> derived.distances.update() >>> derived.distances distances([[0.0, 4.472136], [5.830952, 1.414214], [1.414214, 3.162278]]) """ control = incoords = control.inputcoordinates.__hydpy__get_value__() outcoords = control.outputcoordinates.__hydpy__get_value__() distances = numpy.empty((len(outcoords), len(incoords)), dtype=float) for idx, outcoord in enumerate(outcoords): distances[idx, :] = numpy.sqrt( numpy.sum((outcoord - incoords) ** 2, axis=1) ) self.__hydpy__set_shape__(distances.shape) self.__hydpy__set_value__(distances)
[docs] class ProximityOrder(parametertools.Parameter): """Indices of the inlet nodes in the order of their proximity to each outlet node [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 2, int, None, (None, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = ( conv_control.MaxNmbInputs, conv_control.InputCoordinates, conv_control.OutputCoordinates, ) DERIVEDPARAMETERS = (Distances,)
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Determine the proximity-order of the inlet and outlet nodes. The individual rows of parameter |ProximityOrder| correspond to the outlet nodes; the columns contain the inlet nodes' indices: >>> from hydpy.models.conv import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputcoordinates( ... in1=(0.0, 3.0), ... in2=(2.0, -1.0)) >>> outputcoordinates( ... out1=(0.0, 3.0), ... out2=(3.0, -2.0), ... out3=(1.0, 2.0)) >>> maxnmbinputs() >>> derived.distances.update() >>> derived.proximityorder.update() >>> derived.proximityorder proximityorder([[0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]) Set the value of parameter |MaxNmbInputs| to one,if you want to consider the respective nearest input node only: >>> maxnmbinputs(1) >>> derived.proximityorder.update() >>> derived.proximityorder proximityorder([[0], [1], [0]]) """ control = nmbinputs = control.maxnmbinputs.__hydpy__get_value__() distances = self.subpars.distances.__hydpy__get_value__() idxs = numpy.empty((len(distances), nmbinputs), dtype=int) for idx, distances_ in enumerate(distances): idxs[idx, :] = numpy.argsort(distances_)[:nmbinputs] self.__hydpy__set_shape__(idxs.shape) self.__hydpy__set_value__(idxs)
[docs] class Weights(parametertools.Parameter): """Weighting coefficients of the inlet nodes corresponding to their proximity to each outlet node and parameter |Power| [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 2, float, None, (None, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = ( conv_control.MaxNmbInputs, conv_control.InputCoordinates, conv_control.OutputCoordinates, conv_control.Power, ) DERIVEDPARAMETERS = ( Distances, ProximityOrder, )
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Determine the weighting coefficients. The individual rows of parameter |Weights| correspond to the outlet nodes; the rows contain the weights of the inlet nodes: >>> from hydpy.models.conv import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputcoordinates( ... in1=(0.0, 3.0), ... in2=(2.0, -1.0), ... in3=(0.0, 3.0), ... in4=(99.0, 99.0)) >>> outputcoordinates( ... out1=(0.0, 3.0), ... out2=(3.0, -2.0), ... out3=(1.0, 2.0)) >>> maxnmbinputs() >>> power(2.0) >>> derived.distances.update() >>> derived.proximityorder.update() >>> derived.weights.update() >>> derived.weights weights([[inf, inf, 0.05, 0.000053], [0.5, 0.029412, 0.029412, 0.000052], [0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.000053]]) You can restrict the number of inlet nodes used for each outlet node via parameter |MaxNmbInputs|. In the following example, it seems reasonable to set its value to three to ignore the far-distant inlet node `in4`: >>> maxnmbinputs(3) >>> derived.distances.update() >>> derived.proximityorder.update() >>> derived.weights.update() >>> derived.weights weights([[inf, inf, 0.05], [0.5, 0.029412, 0.029412], [0.5, 0.5, 0.1]]) """ control = nmbinputs = control.maxnmbinputs.__hydpy__get_value__() power = control.power.__hydpy__get_value__() distances = self.subpars.distances.__hydpy__get_value__() proximityorder = self.subpars.proximityorder.__hydpy__get_value__() weights = numpy.empty((len(distances), nmbinputs), dtype=float) for idx, distances_ in enumerate(distances): sorteddistances = distances_[proximityorder[idx, :]] jdxs = sorteddistances > 0.0 weights[idx, jdxs] = 1.0 / sorteddistances[jdxs] ** power weights[idx, ~jdxs] = numpy.inf self.__hydpy__set_shape__(weights.shape) self.__hydpy__set_value__(weights)