Source code for hydpy.models.conv.conv_fluxes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import...
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import sequencetools

[docs] class Inputs(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The (unmodified) values supplied by the input nodes [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs] class ActualConstant(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The actual value for the constant of the linear regression model [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 0, False
[docs] class ActualFactor(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The actual value for the factor of the linear regression model [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 0, False
[docs] class InputPredictions(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The values of the input nodes predicted by a regression model [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs] class OutputPredictions(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The values of the output nodes predicted by a regression model [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs] class InputResiduals(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The exact residuals of a regression model calculated for the input nodes [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs] class OutputResiduals(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The guessed residuals of a regression model interpolated for the input nodes [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs] class Outputs(sequencetools.FluxSequence): """The final interpolation results estimated for the output nodes [?].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False