Source code for hydpy.models.dam.dam_control

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import...
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import exceptiontools
from hydpy.core import parametertools
from hydpy.auxs import interptools

[docs] class SurfaceArea(parametertools.Parameter): """Average size of the water surface [km²].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class CatchmentArea(parametertools.Parameter): """Size of the catchment draining into the dam [km²].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class NmbLogEntries(parametertools.Parameter): """Number of log entries for certain variables [-]. Note that setting a new value by calling the parameter object sets the shapes of all associated log sequences automatically, except those with a predefined default shape: >>> from hydpy.models.dam import * >>> parameterstep() >>> nmblogentries(3) >>> for seq in logs: ... print(seq) loggedtotalremotedischarge(nan, nan, nan) loggedoutflow(nan, nan, nan) loggedadjustedevaporation(nan) loggedrequiredremoterelease(nan) loggedallowedremoterelief(nan) loggedouterwaterlevel(nan) loggedremotewaterlevel(nan) To prevent losing information, updating parameter |NmbLogEntries| resets the shape of the relevant log sequences only when necessary: >>> logs.loggedtotalremotedischarge = 1.0 >>> nmblogentries(3) >>> logs.loggedtotalremotedischarge loggedtotalremotedischarge(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) """ NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, int, None, (1, None) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) new_shape = (self.value,) for seq in old_shape = exceptiontools.getattr_(seq, "shape", (None,)) if new_shape != old_shape: try: seq.shape = new_shape except AttributeError: pass
[docs] class CorrectionPrecipitation(parametertools.Parameter): """Precipitation correction factor [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class CorrectionEvaporation(parametertools.Parameter): """Evaporation correction factor [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class WeightEvaporation(parametertools.Parameter): """Time weighting factor for evaporation [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, True, (0.0, 1.0)
[docs] class RemoteDischargeMinimum(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """Discharge threshold of a cross-section far downstream not to be undercut by the actual discharge [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self.shape = (-1,) parametertools.SeasonalParameter.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] class RemoteDischargeSafety(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """Safety factor for reducing the risk of insufficient water release [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class WaterLevel2PossibleRemoteRelief(interptools.SimpleInterpolator): """An interpolation function describing the relationship between water level and the highest possible water release used to relieve the dam during high flow conditions [-].""" XLABEL = "water level [m]" YLABEL = "possible remote relieve [m³/s]"
[docs] class RemoteReliefTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """A tolerance value for |PossibleRemoteRelief| [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class NearDischargeMinimumThreshold(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """Discharge threshold of a cross-section near the dam not to be undercut by the actual discharge [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class NearDischargeMinimumTolerance(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """A tolerance value for the "near discharge minimum" [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class RestrictTargetedRelease(parametertools.Parameter): """A flag indicating whether low flow variability has to be preserved or not [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, bool, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterVolumeMinimumThreshold(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The minimum operating water volume of the dam [million m³].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelMinimumThreshold(parametertools.Parameter): """The minimum operating water level of the dam [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelMinimumTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """A tolerance value for the minimum operating water level [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelMaximumThreshold(parametertools.Parameter): """The water level not to be exceeded [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelMaximumTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """A tolerance value for the water level maximum [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class RemoteWaterLevelMaximumThreshold(parametertools.Parameter): """The remote water level not to be exceeded [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class RemoteWaterLevelMaximumTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """Tolerance value for the remote water level maximum [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class ThresholdEvaporation(parametertools.Parameter): """The water level at which actual evaporation is 50 % of potential evaporation [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class ToleranceEvaporation(parametertools.Parameter): """A tolerance value defining the steepness of the transition of actual evaporation between zero and potential evaporation [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelMinimumRemoteThreshold(parametertools.Parameter): """The minimum operating water level of the dam regarding remote water supply [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelMinimumRemoteTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """A tolerance value for the minimum operating water level regarding remote water supply [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0, None)
[docs] class HighestRemoteRelief(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The highest possible relief discharge from another location [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelReliefThreshold(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The threshold water level of the dam regarding the allowed relief discharge from another location [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelReliefTolerance(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """A tolerance value for parameter |WaterLevelReliefThreshold| [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class HighestRemoteSupply(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The highest possible supply discharge from another location [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelSupplyThreshold(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The threshold water level of the dam regarding the required supply discharge from another location [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class WaterLevelSupplyTolerance(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """A tolerance value for parameter |WaterLevelSupplyThreshold| [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class HighestRemoteDischarge(parametertools.Parameter): """The highest possible discharge between two remote locations [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class HighestRemoteTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """Smoothing parameter associated with |HighestRemoteDischarge| [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class WaterVolume2WaterLevel(interptools.SimpleInterpolator): """An interpolation function that describes the relationship between water level and water volume [-].""" XLABEL = "water volume [million m³]" YLABEL = "water level [m]"
[docs] class WaterLevel2FloodDischarge(interptools.SeasonalInterpolator): """An interpolation function that describesg the relationship between flood discharge and water volume [-].""" XLABEL = "water level [m]" YLABEL = "flood discharge [m³/s]"
[docs] class WaterLevelDifference2MaxForcedDischarge(interptools.SeasonalInterpolator): """An interpolation function that describes the relationship between the highest possible forced discharge and the water level difference [-].""" XLABEL = "water level difference [m]" YLABEL = "max. forced discharge [m³/s]"
[docs] class WaterLevelDifference2MaxFreeDischarge(interptools.SeasonalInterpolator): """An interpolation function that describes the relationship between the highest possible free discharge and the water level difference [-].""" XLABEL = "water level difference [m]" YLABEL = "max. free discharge [m³/s]"
[docs] class AllowedWaterLevelDrop(parametertools.Parameter): """The highest allowed water level decrease [m/T].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, True, (0.0, None)
[docs] class AllowedDischargeTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """Smoothing parameter eventually associated with |AllowedWaterLevelDrop| [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class AllowedRelease(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The maximum water release not causing any harm downstream [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class TargetVolume(parametertools.SeasonalParameter): """The desired volume of water required within the dam at specific times of the year [Mio. m³].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class TargetRangeAbsolute(parametertools.Parameter): """The absolute interpolation range related to parameter |TargetVolume| [Mio. m³].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class TargetRangeRelative(parametertools.Parameter): """The relative interpolation range related to parameter |TargetVolume| [-].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class VolumeTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """Smoothing parameter for volume-related smoothing operations [Mio. m³].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class DischargeTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """Smoothing parameter for discharge-related smoothing operations [m³/s].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
[docs] class CrestLevel(parametertools.Parameter): """The crest level of a weir [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (None, None)
[docs] class CrestLevelTolerance(parametertools.Parameter): """A tolerance value for the crest level of a weir [m].""" NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)