User Guide

This user guide build the bridge between the brief quick start section and the highly comprehensive reference manual. It should enable beginners to develop an understanding of HydPy’s core ideas and concepts and use its essential features.

It covers the following topics:

  • The How to read the Reference Manual section explains some aspects of the reference manual that are typical for Python libraries but less typical for hydrological model descriptions.

  • The Definitions section lists and explains the most important Python and HydPy frequently used in this document.

  • The Model overview section briefly introduces HydPy’s model collection and so is a good preparation before reading the detailed model descriptions in the reference guide’s Model Families section.

  • The Project structure section describes the typical directory and file structure of HydPy projects.

  • The Options section explains how to set the most user-relevant general HydPy options and where to find their documentation.

  • The Simulation section summarises the basic steps to perform a simulation run via Python skripts or XML files.