Source code for hydpy.models.gland.gland_states

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import ...
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import sequencetools

# ...from gland
from hydpy.models.gland import gland_control

[docs] class I(sequencetools.StateSequence): """Water content of the interception store [mm].""" NDIM, NUMERIC, SPAN = 0, False, (0.0, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = (gland_control.IMax,)
[docs] def trim(self, lower=None, upper=None): r"""Trim |I| in accordance with :math:`0 \leq I \leq IMax`. >>> from hydpy.models.gland import * >>> parameterstep() >>> imax(20.0) >>> states.i(-10.0) >>> states.i i(0.0) >>> states.i(30.0) >>> states.i i(20.0) """ if upper is None: upper = self.subseqs.seqs.model.parameters.control.imax.value super().trim(lower, upper)
[docs] class S(sequencetools.StateSequence): """Water content of the production store [mm].""" NDIM, NUMERIC, SPAN = 0, False, (0.0, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = (gland_control.X1,)
[docs] def trim(self, lower=None, upper=None): r"""Trim |S| in accordance with :math:`0 \leq S \leq X1`. >>> from hydpy.models.gland import * >>> parameterstep() >>> x1(200.0) >>> states.s(-100.0) >>> states.s s(0.0) >>> states.s(300.0) >>> states.s s(200.0) """ if upper is None: upper = self.subseqs.seqs.model.parameters.control.x1.value super().trim(lower, upper)
[docs] class R(sequencetools.StateSequence): """Water content of the routing store [mm].""" NDIM, NUMERIC, SPAN = 0, False, (0.0, None) CONTROLPARAMETERS = (gland_control.X3,)
[docs] def trim(self, lower=None, upper=None): r"""Trim |R| in accordance with :math:`0 \leq R \leq X3`. >>> from hydpy.models.gland import * >>> simulationstep("1d") >>> parameterstep("1d") >>> x3(200.0) >>> states.r(-100.0) >>> states.r r(0.0) >>> states.r(300.0) >>> states.r r(200.0) """ if upper is None: upper = self.subseqs.seqs.model.parameters.control.x3.value super().trim(lower, upper)
[docs] class R2(sequencetools.StateSequence): """Level of the exponential store [mm].""" NDIM, NUMERIC, SPAN = 0, False, (None, None)