Source code for hydpy.models.wland.wland_parameters

# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import...
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import objecttools
from hydpy.core import parametertools
from hydpy.core.typingtools import *
from hydpy.models.wland import wland_constants
from hydpy.models.wland import wland_masks

    from hydpy.core import variabletools

[docs] class SoilParameter(parametertools.Parameter): """Base class for parameters related to the soil character. Some parameters of |wland.DOCNAME.long| are strongly related to the soil character and come with default values. To apply these default values, use the `soil` keyword in combination with one of the available soil constants. We take parameter |B| and the soil character |SAND| as an example, which has the default value `4.05`: >>> from hydpy.models.wland import * >>> parameterstep() >>> b(soil=SAND) >>> b b(soil=SAND) >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(b.value) 4.05 You are free to ignore the default values and to set anything you like: >>> b.value = 3.0 >>> b b(3.0) The string representation relies on the `soil` keyword only when used to define the value directly beforehand: >>> b(4.05) >>> b b(4.05) For a list of the available defaults, see the respective parameter's documentation or the error message that class |SoilParameter| raises if one passes a wrong value: >>> b(soil=0) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: While trying the set the value of parameter `b` of element `?`, the \ following error occurred: The given soil constant `0` is not among the available \ ones. Please use one of the following constants: SAND (1), LOAMY_SAND (2), \ SANDY_LOAM (3), SILT_LOAM (4), LOAM (5), SANDY_CLAY_LOAM (6), SILT_CLAY_LOAM (7), \ CLAY_LOAM (8), SANDY_CLAY (9), SILTY_CLAY (10), and CLAY (11). Combining the `soil` keyword with other keywords is not allowed: >>> b(soil=SAND, landuse='acre') Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying the set the value of parameter `b` of element `?`, the \ following error occurred: It is not allowed to combine keyword `soil` with other \ keywords, but the following ones are also used: landuse. >>> b(landuse='acre') Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: While trying the set the value of parameter `b` of element \ `?`, the following error occurred: The value(s) of parameter `b` of element `?` could \ not be set based on the given keyword arguments. """ _SOIL2VALUE: dict[int, float] _soil: int | None def __init__(self, subvars: parametertools.SubParameters): super().__init__(subvars) self._soil = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: self._soil = None try: super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) except NotImplementedError as exc: try: soil = kwargs.pop("soil", None) if soil is None: raise exc if kwargs: raise TypeError( f"It is not allowed to combine keyword `soil` with other " f"keywords, but the following ones are also used: " f"{objecttools.enumeration(kwargs.keys())}." ) from None try: self(self._SOIL2VALUE[soil]) self._soil = soil except KeyError: value2name = wland_constants.CONSTANTS.value2name names = ( f"{value2name[value]} ({value})" for value in self._SOIL2VALUE.keys() ) raise ValueError( f"The given soil constant `{soil}` is not among the available " f"ones. Please use one of the following constants: " f"{objecttools.enumeration(names)}." ) from None except BaseException: objecttools.augment_excmessage( f"While trying the set the value of parameter " f"{objecttools.elementphrase(self)}" )
[docs] @classmethod def print_defaults(cls): """Print the soil-related default values of the parameter. See the documentation on class |B| for an example. """ value2name = wland_constants.CONSTANTS.value2name for constant, value in cls._SOIL2VALUE.items(): print(value2name[constant], end=": ") objecttools.round_(value)
def __repr__(self) -> str: soil = self._soil value = self.value if soil and (self._SOIL2VALUE[soil] == value): name = wland_constants.SOIL_CONSTANTS.value2name[soil] return f"{}(soil={name})" return f"{}({objecttools.repr_(value)})"
[docs] class LanduseParameterLand(parametertools.ZipParameter): """Base class for 1-dimensional parameters relevant for all land-related units. We take the parameter |DDT| as an example. You can define its values by using the names of all land use-related constants in lower-case as keywords: >>> from hydpy import print_vector, round_ >>> from hydpy.models.wland import * >>> simulationstep("1d") >>> parameterstep("1d") >>> nu(13) >>> lt(SEALED, FIELD, WINE, ORCHARD, SOIL, PASTURE, WETLAND, ... TREES, CONIFER, DECIDIOUS, MIXED, SEALED, WATER) >>> ddf(sealed=0.0, field=1.0, wine=2.0, orchard=3.0, soil=4.0, pasture=5.0, ... wetland=6.0, trees=7.0, conifer=8.0, decidious=9.0, mixed=10.0) >>> ddf ddf(conifer=8.0, decidious=9.0, field=1.0, mixed=10.0, orchard=3.0, pasture=5.0, sealed=0.0, soil=4.0, trees=7.0, wetland=6.0, wine=2.0) >>> print_vector(ddf.values) 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 0.0, nan You can average the current values with regard to the hydrological response area fractions, defined via parameter |AUR|: >>> aur(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.1, 0.11, 0.12, 0.22) >>> round_(ddf.average_values()) 5.641026 You can query or change the values related to specific land use types via attribute access: >>> print_vector(ddf.sealed) 0.0, 0.0 >>> ddf.sealed = 11.0, 12.0 >>> ddf ddf(11.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 12.0, nan) >>> ddf.sealed = 12.0 >>> ddf ddf(conifer=8.0, decidious=9.0, field=1.0, mixed=10.0, orchard=3.0, pasture=5.0, sealed=12.0, soil=4.0, trees=7.0, wetland=6.0, wine=2.0) """ constants = wland_constants.LANDUSE_CONSTANTS mask = wland_masks.Land() @property def refweights(self): """Alias for the associated instance of |AUR| for calculating areal mean values.""" return self.subpars.aur
[docs] class LanduseMonthParameter(parametertools.KeywordParameter2D): """Base class for parameters which values depend on the actual month and land-use type.""" columnnames = ( "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec", ) rownames = tuple( key.lower() for value, key in sorted(wland_constants.LANDUSE_CONSTANTS.value2name.items()) )