Source code for hydpy.models.lland.lland_logs

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# import...
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import sequencetools

[docs]class WET0(sequencetools.LogSequence): """Zeitlich gewichtete Grasreferenzverdunstung (temporally weighted reference evapotranspiration) [mm].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 2, False def __hydpy__get_shape__(self): """Log sequence |WET0| is generally initialized with a length of one on the first axis: >>> from hydpy.models.lland import * >>> parameterstep() >>> logs.wet0.shape = 3 >>> logs.wet0.shape (1, 3) """ return super().__hydpy__get_shape__() def __hydpy__set_shape__(self, shape): super().__hydpy__set_shape__((1, shape)) shape = property(fget=__hydpy__get_shape__, fset=__hydpy__set_shape__)
[docs]class LoggedTemL(sequencetools.LogSequence): """Logged air temperature [°C].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs]class LoggedRelativeHumidity(sequencetools.LogSequence): """Logged relative humidity [%].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs]class LoggedSunshineDuration(sequencetools.LogSequence): """Logged sunshine duration [h].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs]class LoggedGlobalRadiation(sequencetools.LogSequence): """Logged global radiation [h].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False
[docs]class LoggedWindSpeed2m(sequencetools.LogSequence): """Logged wind speed [m/s].""" NDIM, NUMERIC = 1, False