Installation Instructions

Starting with version 3.0 HydPy is available on the Python Package Index. That means, with Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 on your computer and having access to the internet you only have to type:

pip install hydpy

into your command-line tool to install the latest version of HydPy on your computer. pip then installs necessary site-packages like numpy on-the-fly.

For 64 bit Windows, the Python Package Index provides so-called “wheels”, which include pre-compiled binaries and simplify installing a lot. On Linux systems, you have to install “from source” at the moment, as explained below.

Starting with version 4.0 HydPy also comes as an installer for Windows, including Python itself and all required and optional dependencies. You may find it useful if new to Python and want to check out HydPy before installing a complete Python distribution, or if you are afraid to mess up your current Python installation (but then you should probably prefer to work in a virtual environment). Additionally, the closedness of the installer might be preferable when coupling HydPy to other software systems such as Kalypso or Delft-FEWS. See releases for the latest version of the HydPy installer.

Selecting a Python distribution

Using HydPy requires installing Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9 first. You should favour the latest Python version unless you plan to use other libraries still only available for earlier versions. Alternatively, consider installing a more comprehensive Python distribution like Anaconda, already containing many scientific and mathematical tools.

Note that these Python distributions do not include the most powerful integrated development environments. For simple tasks, the lightweight IDE IDLE of the original Python distribution might be sufficient. Anaconda also comes with Spyder, which helps to structure medium-sized projects. External IDEs like PyCharm, on the other hand, offer significantly more comfort, so that the initial installation and configuration effort required should quickly pay for itself.

Selecting a HydPy distribution

If you want to contribute to the development of HydPy or implement new models, please see the Development section. If you want to apply HydPy only, you should start with a stable version available under releases.

You are probably interested in using the latest version of HydPy, which is the one with the highest version number. HydPy’s version numbers consist of three separate numbers. In “X.Y.Z.”, “X” is the major number. There can be substantial differences between HydPy versions with different major numbers, possibly resulting in incompatibility issues with interfacing systems. “Y” is the minor revision number, indicating some improvements, but no potentially problematic changes, e.g. the implementation of additional models. “Z” is the revision number, indicating some necessary corrections of the framework or its implemented models. In any case, you should make sure to select the highest revision number available, meaning you should prefer using “X.Y.1” over “X.Y.0”.

Each release is available in different compressed archives, corresponding to different environments. Currently, we distribute pre-compiled binaries for 64-bit Windows only (see above). For all other operating systems and Python versions, you have to build binaries yourself. Principally, this should be simple, but Windows users might need to install the suitable compiler first (see below). Download and uncompress the source code archive in an arbitrary folder and open the command line interface within the uncompressed hydpy folder. Then write:

python install

This command starts copying all available files to your site-packages folder and generating the necessary system-dependent binary files. Additionally, the testing system of HydPy is triggered. If everything works well, you finally get the message: resulted in 0 failing unit test suites,
0 failing doctest suites in Python mode and 0 failing doctest
suites in Cython mode.

If a test suit fails, you get an additional warning message. Then see the more detailed test report above for further information. If there seems to be a severe problem, check if it is already a known (and possibly solved) issue. If not, please raise a new one.

Selecting a C Compiler

You only need to care about selecting a C compiler, if no pre-compiled binaries are available for your system or if you want to implement new models into the HydPy framework. Also, Linux users should have no trouble, as the GNU Compiler Collection is ready for use on standard Linux distributions. Unfortunately, Windows does not include compilers by default. Search Windows Compilers page on how to select and install the correct compiler.

After installing the required compiler successfully on Windows, you might eventually have to deal with the unable to find vcvarsall.bat problem. vcvarsall is a batch file Python needs to control the installed Visual Studio compiler. Find this file on your system and set a new system variable pointing to its path. A quick search on the internet should provide you with the required information.