
This module implements functions for preparing tutorial projects and other test data.

Module examples implements the following members:

hydpy.examples.prepare_io_example_1()Tuple[hydpy.core.devicetools.Nodes, hydpy.core.devicetools.Elements][source]

Prepare an IO example configuration for testing purposes.

Function prepare_io_example_1() is thought for testing the functioning of HydPy and thus should be of interest for framework developers only. It uses the application models lland_v1 and lland_v2. Here, we apply prepare_io_example_1() and shortly discuss different aspects of the data it generates.

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
  1. It defines a short initialisation period of five days:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> pub.timegrids
Timegrids("2000-01-01 00:00:00",
          "2000-01-05 00:00:00",
  1. It creates a flat IO testing directory structure:

>>> pub.sequencemanager.inputdirpath
>>> pub.sequencemanager.fluxdirpath
>>> pub.sequencemanager.statedirpath
>>> pub.sequencemanager.nodedirpath
>>> import os
>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     print(sorted(filename for filename in os.listdir(".")
...                  if not filename.startswith("_")))
['inputpath', 'nodepath', 'outputpath']

(3) It returns three Element objects handling either application model lland_v1 or lland_v2, and two Node objects handling variables Q and T:

>>> for element in elements:
...     print(element.name, element.model)
element1 lland_v1
element2 lland_v1
element3 lland_v2
>>> for node in nodes:
...     print(node.name, node.variable)
node1 Q
node2 T

(4) It generates artificial time series data of the input sequence Nied, the flux sequence NKor, and the state sequence BoWa of each model instance, and the Sim sequence of each node instance. For unambiguous test results, all generated values are unique:

>>> nied1 = elements.element1.model.sequences.inputs.nied
>>> nied1.series
InfoArray([ 0.,  1.,  2.,  3.])
>>> nkor1 = elements.element1.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
>>> nkor1.series
InfoArray([[ 12.],
           [ 13.],
           [ 14.],
           [ 15.]])
>>> bowa3 = elements.element3.model.sequences.states.bowa
>>> bowa3.series
InfoArray([[ 48.,  49.,  50.],
           [ 51.,  52.,  53.],
           [ 54.,  55.,  56.],
           [ 57.,  58.,  59.]])
>>> sim2 = nodes.node2.sequences.sim
>>> sim2.series
InfoArray([ 64.,  65.,  66.,  67.])

(5) All sequences carry ndarray objects with (deep) copies of the time series data for testing:

>>> import numpy
>>> (numpy.all(nied1.series == nied1.testarray) and
...  numpy.all(nkor1.series == nkor1.testarray) and
...  numpy.all(bowa3.series == bowa3.testarray) and
...  numpy.all(sim2.series == sim2.testarray))
InfoArray(True, dtype=bool)
>>> bowa3.series[1, 2] = -999.0
>>> numpy.all(bowa3.series == bowa3.testarray)
InfoArray(False, dtype=bool)
hydpy.examples.prepare_full_example_1(dirpath: Optional[str] = None)None[source]

Prepare the LahnH example project on disk.

HydPy comes with a complete project data set for the German river Lahn, provided by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). The Lahn is a medium-sized tributary to the Rhine. The given project configuration agrees with the BfG’s forecasting model, using HBV96 to simulate the inflow of the Rhine’s tributaries. The catchment is subdivided into four sub-catchments, each one with a river gauge (Marburg, Asslar, Leun, Kalkofen) at its outlet. The sub-catchments are further subdivided into a different number of zones.


By default, function prepare_full_example_1() copies the original project data into the iotesting directory, thought for performing automated tests on real-world data. The following doctest shows the generated folder structure:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_full_example_1
>>> prepare_full_example_1()
>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> import os
>>> with TestIO():
...     print("root:", *sorted(os.listdir(".")))
...     for folder in ("control", "conditions", "series"):
...         print(f"LahnH/{folder}:",
...               *sorted(os.listdir(f"LahnH/{folder}")))
root: LahnH __init__.py
LahnH/control: default
LahnH/conditions: init_1996_01_01_00_00_00
LahnH/series: input node output temp

Pass an alternative path if you prefer to work in another directory:

>>> prepare_full_example_1(dirpath=".")
hydpy.examples.prepare_full_example_2(lastdate: timetools.DateConstrArg = '1996-01-05')Tuple[hydpy.core.hydpytools.HydPy, pubtools.Pub, Type[hydpy.core.testtools.TestIO]][source]

Prepare the LahnH project on disk and in RAM.

Function prepare_full_example_2() is an extensions of function prepare_full_example_1(). Besides preparing the project data of the LahnH example project, it performs all necessary steps to start a simulation run. Therefore, it returns a readily prepared HydPy instance, as well as, for convenience, module pub and class TestIO:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_full_example_2
>>> hp, pub, TestIO = prepare_full_example_2()
>>> hp.nodes
Nodes("dill", "lahn_1", "lahn_2", "lahn_3")
>>> hp.elements
Elements("land_dill", "land_lahn_1", "land_lahn_2", "land_lahn_3",
         "stream_dill_lahn_2", "stream_lahn_1_lahn_2",
>>> pub.timegrids
Timegrids("1996-01-01 00:00:00",
          "1996-01-05 00:00:00",
>>> from hydpy import classname
>>> classname(TestIO)

Function prepare_full_example_2() is primarily thought for testing and thus does not allow for many configurations except changing the end date of the initialisation period:

>>> hp, pub, TestIO = prepare_full_example_2("1996-02-01")
>>> pub.timegrids
Timegrids("1996-01-01 00:00:00",
          "1996-02-01 00:00:00",