Additional repositories

The HydPy project page does not only contain the hydpy repository itself, but also repositories for HydPy extensions. At the time of writing, there is the Delft-FEWS-demos repository, providing configuration files for using HydPy within Delft-FEWS, and the OpenDA repository, providing a based wrapper wrapper for optimising HydPy simulations with OpenDA. Additional repositories should be created for all new HydPy functionalities not integrating naturally into its source files. The OpenDA wrapper, for example, must respect both the logic of OpenDA and HydPy. Programming such a wrapper within the main hydpy repository would impair the consistency and thus the maintainability of HydPy.

We cannot give clear recommendations on the design of additional repositories, due to their potentially very diverse nature (for example, the Delft-FEWS-demos repository is primarily XML based, and the OpenDA repository is primarily Java based). At least, try to compile online documentation pages comparable to the ones of HydPy. For example, we added linked README files to the subfolders of the OpenDA repository, which seems to be an acceptable lightweight alternative. When following the rst file format instead of the commonly used md file format, one can even include doctests into such README files, as we did for explaining the Dud algorithm. Ideally, one would also test the code and build the sources on Travis CI or AppVeyor, but t here might be software or license restrictions preventing this.