Source code for hydpy.core.masktools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module implements masking features to define which entries of |Parameter| or
|Sequence_| arrays are relevant and which are not."""
# import...
# ...from standard library
from __future__ import annotations
import inspect

# ...from site-packages
import numpy

# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import exceptiontools
from hydpy.core import objecttools

# from hydpy.core import parametertools    actual import below
from hydpy.core.typingtools import *

    from hydpy.core import variabletools
    from hydpy.core import parametertools

[docs] class BaseMask(NDArrayBool): """Base class for defining |CustomMask| and |DefaultMask| classes.""" name: str def __new__(cls, array=None, doc: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Self: self = cls.array2mask(array, **kwargs) self.__doc__ = doc return self def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: = cls.__name__.lower()
[docs] @classmethod def array2mask(cls, array=None, **kwargs) -> Self: """Create a new mask object based on the given |numpy.ndarray| and return it.""" kwargs["dtype"] = bool if array is None: return numpy.ndarray.__new__(cls, 0, **kwargs) return numpy.asarray(array, **kwargs).view(cls)
def __repr__(self) -> str: # ToDo: required? return numpy.ndarray.__repr__(self).replace(", dtype=bool", "")
[docs] class CustomMask(BaseMask): """Mask that awaits one sets all |bool| values manually. Class |CustomMask| is the most basic applicable mask and provides no special features except for allowing its |bool| values to be defined manually. Use it when you require a masking behaviour not captured by an available mask. Like the more advanced masks, |CustomMask| can work via Python's descriptor protocol, but it is primarily thought to be applied directly: >>> from hydpy.core.masktools import CustomMask >>> mask1 = CustomMask([[True, False, False], ... [True, False, False]]) Note that calling any mask object (not only those of type |CustomMask|) returns a new mask without changing the existing one. >>> mask2 = mask1([[False, True, False], ... [False, True, False]]) >>> mask1 CustomMask([[ True, False, False], [ True, False, False]]) >>> mask2 CustomMask([[False, True, False], [False, True, False]]) All masks stem from |numpy.ndarray|. Here are some useful examples of working with them: >>> mask3 = mask1 + mask2 >>> mask3 CustomMask([[ True, True, False], [ True, True, False]]) >>> mask3 ^ mask1 CustomMask([[False, True, False], [False, True, False]]) >>> ~mask3 CustomMask([[False, False, True], [False, False, True]]) >>> mask1 & mask2 CustomMask([[False, False, False], [False, False, False]]) Use the `in` operator to check if a mask defines a subset of another: >>> mask1 in mask3 True >>> mask3 in mask1 False """ def __call__( self, bools: Union[VectorInputBool, MatrixInputBool, TensorInputBool] ) -> Self: return type(self)(bools) def __contains__( self, other: Union[VectorInputBool, MatrixInputBool, TensorInputBool] ) -> bool: return bool(numpy.all(self[other]))
[docs] class DefaultMask(BaseMask): """A mask with all entries being |True| of the same shape as its master |Variable| object. See the documentation on class |CustomMask| for the basic usage of class |DefaultMask|. The following example shows how to apply |DefaultMask| via Python's descriptor protocol, which should be the common situation: >>> from hydpy.core.parametertools import Parameter >>> from hydpy.core.masktools import DefaultMask >>> class Par1(Parameter): ... shape = (2, 3) ... defaultmask = DefaultMask() >>> Par1(None).defaultmask DefaultMask([[ True, True, True], [ True, True, True]]) Alternatively, you can directly connect a |DefaultMask| with a |Variable| object: >>> class Par2(Parameter): ... shape = (2,) >>> mask = DefaultMask(Par2(None)) >>> mask DefaultMask([ True, True]) """ variable: Optional[variabletools.Variable] def __new__( cls, variable: Optional[variabletools.Variable] = None, doc: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Self: if variable is None: self = super().__new__(cls) else: self =, **kwargs) self.__doc__ = doc self.variable = variable return self def __get__( self, obj: Optional[variabletools.Variable], type_: Optional[type[variabletools.Variable]], ) -> Self: if (obj is None) or (self.variable is not None): return self return type(self)(obj) def __call__(self, **kwargs) -> Self: return type(self)(self.variable, **kwargs) def __contains__(self, other) -> bool: return bool(numpy.all(self()[other]))
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, variable: variabletools.Variable, **kwargs) -> Self: """Return a new |DefaultMask| object associated with the given |Variable| object.""" return cls.array2mask(numpy.full(variable.shape, True), **kwargs)
[docs] class IndexMask(DefaultMask): """A mask that depends on a referenced index parameter. |IndexMask| must be subclassed. See the masks |hland_masks.Complete| and |hland_masks.Soil| of base model |hland| for two concrete example classes, which are members of the parameter classes |hland_parameters.ParameterComplete| and |hland_parameters.ParameterSoil|. The documentation on these parameter classes provides some application examples. Further, see the documentation on class |CustomMask| for the basic usage of class |DefaultMask|. """ relevant: tuple[int, ...] """The integer values that are relevant to the referenced index parameter.""" variable: variabletools.Variable """The variable for which |IndexMask| determines the relevant entries."""
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, variable: variabletools.Variable, **kwargs) -> Self: """Return a new |IndexMask| object of the same shape as the parameter referenced by |property| |IndexMask.refindices|. Entries are only |True| if the integer values of the respective entries of the referenced index parameter are members of the class attribute tuple |IndexMask.relevant|. Before calling new (explicitly or implicitly), one must prepare the variable returned by property |IndexMask.refindices|: >>> from hydpy.models.hland import * >>> parameterstep() >>> Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: The mask of parameter `sm` of element `?` cannot be determined \ as long as parameter `zonetype` is not prepared properly. >>> nmbzones(4) >>> zonetype(FIELD, FOREST, ILAKE, GLACIER) >>> Soil([ True, True, False, False]) If the shape of the |IndexMask.refindices| parameter is zero (which is not allowed for |hland|), the returned mask is empty: >>> zonetype.shape = 0 >>> states.shape = 0 >>> Soil([]) """ indices = cls.get_refindices(variable) values = exceptiontools.getattr_(indices, "values", None) if (values is None) or ((len(values) > 0) and (numpy.min(values) < 1)): raise RuntimeError( f"The mask of parameter {objecttools.elementphrase(variable)} cannot " f"be determined as long as parameter `{}` is not prepared " f"properly." ) if isinstance(variable, parametertools.ZipParameter) and ( variable.relevant is not None ): relevant = variable.relevant # ToDo: add an hland evap_hbv example else: relevant = cls.relevant mask = cls.array2mask(numpy.isin(indices.values, relevant), **kwargs) if (refinement := cls.get_refinement(variable)) is not None: mask[~refinement.values] = False return mask
[docs] @classmethod def get_refindices( cls, variable: variabletools.Variable ) -> parametertools.NameParameter: """Return the |Parameter| object to determine which entries of |IndexMask| must be |True| and which |False|. The given `variable` must be the concrete |Variable| object the |IndexMask| is responsible for. Needs to be overwritten by subclasses: >>> from hydpy.core.parametertools import Parameter >>> from hydpy.core.masktools import IndexMask >>> class Par(Parameter): ... mask = IndexMask() >>> Par(None).mask Traceback (most recent call last): ... NotImplementedError: Method `get_refindices` of class `IndexMask` must be \ overridden, which is not the case for class `IndexMask`. """ raise NotImplementedError( f"Method `get_refindices` of class `IndexMask` must be overridden, which " f"is not the case for class `{cls.__name__}`." )
@property def refindices(self) -> parametertools.NameParameter: """|Parameter| object for determining which entries of |IndexMask| are |True| and which |False|.""" return self.get_refindices(self.variable)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_refinement( variable: variabletools.Variable, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Optional[variabletools.Variable]: """If available, return a boolean variable for selecting only the relevant entries of the considered variable.""" return None
@property def refinement(self) -> Optional[variabletools.Variable]: """If available, a boolean variable for selecting only the relevant entries of the considered variable.""" return self.get_refinement(self.variable)
[docs] def narrow_relevant(self, relevant: Optional[tuple[int, ...]] = None) -> set[int]: """Return a |set| of all currently relevant constants.""" if relevant is None: relevant = self.relevant values = self.refindices.values if (refinement := self.refinement) is not None: values = values[refinement.values] return set(values).intersection(relevant)
[docs] class SubmodelIndexMask(IndexMask): """A mask that depends on a referenced index parameter of another model."""
[docs] @classmethod def get_refindices( cls, variable: variabletools.Variable ) -> parametertools.NameParameter: """Return the |Parameter| object to determine which entries of |SubmodelIndexMask| must be |True| and which |False|. |SubmodelIndexMask| works only for given |ZipParameter| instances and tries to return the currently handled |ZipParameter.refindices| parameter instance. """ assert isinstance(variable, parametertools.ZipParameter) if (refindices := variable.refindices) is None: # ToDo: hbv-based example raise RuntimeError( f"Variable {objecttools.elementphrase(variable)} does currently not " f"reference an instance-specific index parameter." ) return refindices
[docs] class Masks: """Base class for handling groups of masks. |Masks| subclasses are basically just containers, which are defined similar as |SubParameters| and |SubSequences| subclasses: >>> from hydpy.core.masktools import Masks >>> from hydpy.core.masktools import IndexMask, DefaultMask, CustomMask >>> class Masks(Masks): ... CLASSES = (IndexMask, DefaultMask) >>> masks = Masks() The contained mask classes are available via attribute access in lower case letters: >>> masks indexmask of module hydpy.core.masktools defaultmask of module hydpy.core.masktools >>> masks.indexmask is IndexMask True >>> "indexmask" in dir(masks) True The `in` operator is supported: >>> IndexMask in masks True >>> CustomMask in masks False >>> "mask" in masks Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: The given value `mask` of type `str` is neither a Mask class nor a \ Mask instance. Using item access, strings (in whatever case), mask classes, and mask objects are accepted: >>> masks["IndexMask"] is IndexMask True >>> masks["indexmask"] is IndexMask True >>> masks[IndexMask] is IndexMask True >>> masks[CustomMask()] Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: While trying to retrieve a mask based on key `CustomMask([])`, the \ following error occurred: The key does not define an available mask. >>> masks["test"] Traceback (most recent call last): ... RuntimeError: While trying to retrieve a mask based on key `'test'`, the following \ error occurred: The key does not define an available mask. >>> masks[1] Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: While trying to retrieve a mask based on key `1`, the following error \ occurred: The given key is neither a `string` a `mask` type. """ CLASSES: tuple[type[BaseMask], ...] = () def __init__(self) -> None: for cls in self.CLASSES: setattr(self, cls.__name__.lower(), cls) @property def name(self) -> Literal["masks"]: """`masks` >>> from hydpy.core.masktools import Masks >>> Masks().name 'masks' """ return "masks" def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[type[BaseMask]]: for cls in self.CLASSES: yield getattr(self, cls.__name__.lower()) def __contains__(self, mask: Union[BaseMask, type[BaseMask]]) -> bool: if isinstance(mask, BaseMask): mask = type(mask) if mask in self.CLASSES: return True try: if issubclass(mask, BaseMask): return False except TypeError: pass raise TypeError( f"The given {objecttools.value_of_type(mask)} is neither a Mask class nor " f"a Mask instance." ) def __getitem__(self, key: Union[str, BaseMask, type[BaseMask]]) -> BaseMask: _key = key try: if inspect.isclass(key): if issubclass(key, BaseMask): key = key.__name__.lower() elif isinstance(key, BaseMask): if key in self: return key raise RuntimeError("The key does not define an available mask.") if isinstance(key, str): try: return getattr(self, key.lower()) except AttributeError: raise RuntimeError( "The key does not define an available mask." ) from None raise TypeError("The given key is neither a `string` a `mask` type.") except BaseException: objecttools.augment_excmessage( f"While trying to retrieve a mask based on key `{repr(_key)}`" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: lines = [] for mask in self: lines.append(f"{mask.__name__.lower()} of module {mask.__module__}") return "\n".join(lines)
[docs] class NodeMasks(Masks): """|Masks| subclass for class |Node|. At the moment, the purpose of class |NodeMasks| is to make the implementation of |ModelSequence| and |NodeSequence| more similar. It will become relevant for applications as soon as we support 1-dimensional node sequences. """ CLASSES = (DefaultMask,)
from hydpy.core import parametertools # pylint: disable=(wrong-import-position