Example Projects

We provide several example projects. You can download them to familiarize yourself with HydPy’s project structure, try out the tutorials, or freely experiment with more advanced features. Note that all example projects are also included in each HydPy release. We use them to explain and test HydPy in several documentation sections.


HydPy-H-Lahn is a complete project data set for the German river Lahn, provided by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG). The Lahn is a medium-sized tributary to the Rhine. The given project configuration agrees with the BfG’s forecasting model, using HBV96 to simulate the inflow of the Rhine’s tributaries. The catchment consists of four sub-catchments, each with a river gauge (Marburg, Asslar, Leun, Kalkofen) at its outlet. The sub-catchments consist of a different number of zones.

Click here to download HydPy-H-Lahn.
