Quick Start

This documentation includes countless doctest examples, which you can easily repeat via copy-paste to gain insights into all the details of HydPy. At first, it may be overwhelming, so you need to get adjusted and find the relevant starting points that match your skills and aims. If you want to take advantage of HydPy’s full flexibility by using it as a Python library and are already familiar with Python, go to the Simulation > Python subsection. Without Python experience, you should review the following paragraphs beforehand. If you are, in contrast, primarily interested in executing standard workflows, for example, in the context of flood forecasting, you might prefer starting with the Simulation > Console subsection.

Starting Python

The best first experience comes with using HydPy interactively. Therefore, one first must start a Python shell. The most basic choice is the Python Interpreter. With a default installation on Windows, you can type py into a console like the command prompt (cmd), which tells the Python Launcher to search for the interpreter of the currently preferable Python version installed on your computer (usually, the most recent one) and start it:

Python 3.12.0
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

To start learning Python (and HydPy), a good choice is Python’s Integrated Development and Learning Environment IDLE, which also comes with regular Python distributions. Open its shell via the Windows menu or by writing:

py -m idlelib

The two mentioned options require a regular Python installation on your computer. The following command also works with HydPy installed independently from a regular Python distribution via its Windows installer:

hyd.py start_shell

You may want to save modified or freshly created examples in Python scripts. For a start, IDLE does not only provide the (initially opened) shell window but can also open multiple editor windows (click on File New File):


When seriously starting to work with Python, consider using more capable shells like IPython or complex Integrated Development Environments like Pycharm.

Using Python

Understanding the functioning of HydPy requires only basic Python knowledge, to which this subsection offers a brief introduction.

In the shell, the >>> symbol tells you that Python is expecting your first action. First, do some math and see if you get the correct result:

>>> 1 + 2

Assignments work with =:

>>> x = 4
>>> x

Checks for equality and identity rely on == and is:

>>> y = 4.0
>>> x == y
>>> x is y

!= and is not are their counterparts:

>>> x != y
>>> x is not y

Many functions like print() accept both positional and keyword arguments:

>>> print(1, "<", 2)  # three positional arguments
1 < 2
>>> print(1, "<", 2, end=" is True")  # three positional and one keyword argument
1 < 2 is True

Python uses colons and indentations instead of brackets to define control flow structures, such as if-else clauses:

>>> if 1 < 2:
...     print("yes")
... else:
...     print("no")

The most common way of defining loops is using for … in … expressions:

>>> for i in [1, 3, 2]:
...     (2 * i) ** 2

Write import … to import another library completely or import … from … to load one or more of its members:

>>> import hydpy
>>> from hydpy import HydPy, pub

. serves for member access:

>>> hydpy.pub is pub

In assert …, assert checks if is true:

>>> assert pub.options.utcoffset == 60  # right, so nothing happens
>>> assert pub.options.utcoffset == -60  # wrong, hence an AssertionError
Traceback (most recent call last):

The with statement usually starts something and undoes it after finishing the following indented block:

>>> with pub.options.utcoffset(-60):
...     assert pub.options.utcoffset == -60
>>> assert pub.options.utcoffset == 60

In Python, everything is an object, and every object allows you to inspect it to find out about its features:

>>> obj = "test"
>>> assert type(obj) is str  # What type has `obj`?
>>> dir(obj)[-4:]  # What are it's members?
['title', 'translate', 'upper', 'zfill']
>>> obj.upper()  # What does its method `upper` do?

Run HydPy

After this first dive into Python’s syntax, we introduce you to HydPy. For an easy start, please download and unzip the HydPy-H-Lahn example project into a working directory of your choice.

Now open, for example, the IDLE shell as explained above and activate the selected directory. Let us, therefore, first define the working directory’s path as a string. We take “C:/temp” as an example, but you can specify any other directory (on Windows, you could also write r”C:\temp” for “C:\\temp”):

>>> workingdir = "C:/temp"

Now, import Python’s os module and use its chdir function to activate the preferred working directory:

>>> import os
>>> os.chdir(workingdir)

The now-activated directory should contain a subdirectory named HydPy-H-Lahn containing, for example, the sub-subdirectory network. The following code line checks this:

>>> assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(workingdir, "HydPy-H-Lahn", "network"))

After these preparatory steps, we finally get started with HydPy. HydPy is a so-called “site package”, and, in Python, site package names are by convention lowercase:

>>> import hydpy

The entry point to each project is the central HydPy class. Initialise it by passing the project’s name to it:

>>> hp = hydpy.HydPy("HydPy-H-Lahn")

Equally prominent throughout this documentation is the pub module, which allows for the specification of general information. Here, we use it to define the first date, the last date, and the time step size of the considered simulation period in the simplest possible manner:

>>> hydpy.pub.timegrids = "1996-01-01", "1996-01-05", "1d"

Now, there are numerous ways to proceed. We choose the most straightforward one (without deviating from a single default) and call method prepare_everything() of class HydPy, which “prepares everything” so far as to leave the HydPy instance in a simulation-ready state:

>>> hp.prepare_everything()

The catchment outlet of the HydPy-H-Lahn example project is named lahn_kalk. The following example demonstrates how to query the discharge values simulated for this outlet:

>>> from hydpy import print_vector
>>> print_vector(hp.nodes.lahn_kalk.sequences.sim.series)
nan, nan, nan, nan

nan means “not a number”, indicating missing values. In this example, the nan values tell us we have not performed a simulation run. We catch up on this by calling method simulate():

>>> hp.simulate()

Now, we can inspect the freshly calculated discharge values:

>>> print_vector(hp.nodes.lahn_kalk.sequences.sim.series)
54.018074, 37.255732, 31.863983, 28.358949

You could now write the results to file, print them into a figure, evaluate them statistically, or - if you don’t like them - change some configurations and calculate different results.

As you can see, a few lines of code are often enough to let HydPy execute complex tasks in a standard manner. However, HydPy offers fine-grained control, allowing you to define specific workflows to solve individual problems. Take your time to understand these first examples fully and then follow the more detailed explanations in the Simulation > Python and Simulation > Console sections.