Source code for hydpy.interfaces.rconcinterfaces

"""This module defines submodel interfaces for calculating runoff concentration

# import...
# ...from hydpy
from hydpy.core import modeltools
from hydpy.core.typingtools import *

[docs] class RConcModel_V1(modeltools.SubmodelInterface): """Simple interface for calculating runoff concentration processes.""" typeid: ClassVar[Literal[1]] = 1 """Type identifier for |RConcModel_V1| submodels."""
[docs] def get_waterbalance(self, initial_conditions: ConditionsSubmodel) -> float: """Get the difference between currently stored water and the given initial conditions in mm."""
[docs] @modeltools.abstractmodelmethod def set_inflow(self, inflow: float) -> None: """Set the runoff concentration input in mm/T."""
[docs] @modeltools.abstractmodelmethod def determine_outflow(self) -> None: """Calculate runoff concentration output."""
[docs] @modeltools.abstractmodelmethod def get_outflow(self) -> float: """Get the previously calculated runoff concentration output in mm/T."""