Source code for hydpy.models.dummy.dummy_model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import...
# ...from standard library
# ...from site-packages
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import modeltools
from hydpy.models.dummy import dummy_inputs
from hydpy.models.dummy import dummy_inlets
from hydpy.models.dummy import dummy_outlets
from hydpy.models.dummy import dummy_fluxes

[docs] class Pick_Q_V1(modeltools.Method): r"""Query the current inflow from all inlet nodes. Basic equation: :math:`Q_{fluxes} = \sum Q_{inputs}` """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_inlets.Q,) RESULTSEQUENCES = (dummy_fluxes.Q,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model) -> None: flu = model.sequences.fluxes.fastaccess inl = model.sequences.inlets.fastaccess flu.q = 0.0 for idx in range(inl.len_q): flu.q += inl.q[idx][0]
[docs] class Pass_Q_V1(modeltools.Method): """Update the outlet link sequence. Basic equation: :math:`Q_{outlets} = Q_{fluxes}` """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_fluxes.Q,) RESULTSEQUENCES = (dummy_outlets.Q,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model) -> None: flu = model.sequences.fluxes.fastaccess out = model.sequences.outlets.fastaccess out.q[0] += flu.q
[docs] class Get_InterceptedWater_V1(modeltools.Method): """Get the selected zone's current amount of intercepted water. Example: >>> from hydpy.models.dummy import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputs.interceptedwater.shape = 2 >>> inputs.interceptedwater = 2.0, 4.0 >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(model.get_interceptedwater_v1(0)) 2.0 >>> round_(model.get_interceptedwater_v1(1)) 4.0 """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_inputs.InterceptedWater,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model, k: int) -> float: inp = model.sequences.inputs.fastaccess return inp.interceptedwater[k]
[docs] class Get_SoilWater_V1(modeltools.Method): """Get the selected zone's current soil water amount. Example: >>> from hydpy.models.dummy import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputs.soilwater.shape = 2 >>> inputs.soilwater = 2.0, 4.0 >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(model.get_soilwater_v1(0)) 2.0 >>> round_(model.get_soilwater_v1(1)) 4.0 """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_inputs.SoilWater,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model, k: int) -> float: inp = model.sequences.inputs.fastaccess return inp.soilwater[k]
[docs] class Get_SnowCover_V1(modeltools.Method): """Get the selected zone's current snow cover fraction. Example: >>> from hydpy.models.dummy import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputs.snowcover.shape = 2 >>> inputs.snowcover = 2.0, 4.0 >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(model.get_snowcover_v1(0)) 2.0 >>> round_(model.get_snowcover_v1(1)) 4.0 """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_inputs.SnowCover,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model, k: int) -> float: inp = model.sequences.inputs.fastaccess return inp.snowcover[k]
[docs] class Get_SnowyCanopy_V1(modeltools.Method): """Get the selected zone's current snow cover degree in the canopies of tree-like vegetation (or |numpy.nan| if the zone's vegetation is not tree-like). Example: >>> from hydpy.models.dummy import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputs.snowycanopy.shape = 2 >>> inputs.snowycanopy = 2.0, 4.0 >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(model.get_snowycanopy_v1(0)) 2.0 >>> round_(model.get_snowycanopy_v1(1)) 4.0 """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_inputs.SnowyCanopy,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model, k: int) -> float: inp = model.sequences.inputs.fastaccess return inp.snowycanopy[k]
[docs] class Get_SnowAlbedo_V1(modeltools.Method): """Get the selected zone's current snow albedo. Example: >>> from hydpy.models.dummy import * >>> parameterstep() >>> inputs.snowalbedo.shape = 2 >>> inputs.snowalbedo = 2.0, 4.0 >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(model.get_snowalbedo_v1(0)) 2.0 >>> round_(model.get_snowalbedo_v1(1)) 4.0 """ REQUIREDSEQUENCES = (dummy_inputs.SnowAlbedo,) @staticmethod def __call__(model: modeltools.Model, k: int) -> float: inp = model.sequences.inputs.fastaccess return inp.snowalbedo[k]
[docs] class Model(modeltools.AdHocModel): """|dummy.DOCNAME.complete|.""" DOCNAME = modeltools.DocName(short="Dummy") __HYDPY_ROOTMODEL__ = None INLET_METHODS = (Pick_Q_V1,) RECEIVER_METHODS = () RUN_METHODS = () INTERFACE_METHODS = ( Get_InterceptedWater_V1, Get_SoilWater_V1, Get_SnowCover_V1, Get_SnowyCanopy_V1, Get_SnowAlbedo_V1, ) ADD_METHODS = () OUTLET_METHODS = (Pass_Q_V1,) SENDER_METHODS = () SUBMODELINTERFACES = () SUBMODELS = ()