# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring
# import...
# ...from site-packages
import numpy
# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import parametertools
from hydpy.auxs import smoothtools
# ...from lland
from hydpy.models.wq import wq_control
class BottomDepths(parametertools.Parameter):
"""The cumulated depth of a trapeze and its lower neighbours [m]."""
NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
CONTROLPARAMETERS = (wq_control.BottomLevels,)
def update(self):
r"""Calculate the depth values based on
:math:`BottomDepths_i = BottomLevels_i - BottomLevels_0`.
>>> from hydpy.models.wq import *
>>> parameterstep()
>>> nmbtrapezes(3)
>>> bottomlevels(1.0, 4.0, 6.0)
>>> derived.bottomdepths.update()
>>> derived.bottomdepths
bottomdepths(0.0, 3.0, 5.0)
bottomlevels = self.subpars.pars.control.bottomlevels.values
self.values = bottomlevels - bottomlevels[0]
class TrapezeHeights(parametertools.Parameter):
"""The individual height of each trapeze [m].
The highest trapeze has no upper neighbour and is thus infinitely high.
NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
CONTROLPARAMETERS = (wq_control.BottomLevels,)
def update(self):
r"""Calculate the height values based on
:math:`TrapezeHeights_i = BottomLevels_{i+1} - BottomLevels_i`.
>>> from hydpy.models.wq import *
>>> parameterstep()
>>> nmbtrapezes(3)
>>> bottomlevels(1.0, 4.0, 6.0)
>>> derived.trapezeheights.update()
>>> derived.trapezeheights
trapezeheights(3.0, 2.0, inf)
self.values = numpy.inf
self.values[:-1] = numpy.diff(self.subpars.pars.control.bottomlevels.values)
class SlopeWidths(parametertools.Parameter):
"""The tatal width of both side slopes of each trapeze.
The highest trapeze has no upper neighbour and is thus infinitely high and
potentially infinitely wide.
NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
CONTROLPARAMETERS = (wq_control.SideSlopes,)
def update(self):
r"""Calculate the slope width values based on
:math:`SlopeWidths = 2 \cdot SideSlopes \cdot TrapezeHeights`.
>>> from hydpy.models.wq import *
>>> parameterstep()
>>> nmbtrapezes(3)
>>> sideslopes(0.0, 2.0, 2.0)
>>> derived.trapezeheights(2.0, 3.0, inf)
>>> derived.slopewidths.update()
>>> derived.slopewidths
slopewidths(0.0, 12.0, inf)
sideslopes = self.subpars.pars.control.sideslopes.values
trapezeheights = self.subpars.trapezeheights.values
self.values = numpy.inf
self.values[:-1] = 2.0 * sideslopes[:-1] * trapezeheights[:-1]
class TrapezeAreas(parametertools.Parameter):
"""The individual area of each trapeze [m].
The highest trapeze has no upper neighbour and is thus infinitely large.
NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
CONTROLPARAMETERS = (wq_control.BottomWidths,)
DERIVEDPARAMETERS = (TrapezeHeights, SlopeWidths)
def update(self):
r"""Calculate the perimeter derivatives based on
:math:`(BottomWidths + SlopeWidths / 2) \cdot TrapezeHeights`.
>>> from hydpy.models.wq import *
>>> parameterstep()
>>> nmbtrapezes(4)
>>> bottomlevels(1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0)
>>> bottomwidths(2.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0)
>>> sideslopes(0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)
>>> derived.trapezeheights.update()
>>> derived.slopewidths.update()
>>> derived.trapezeareas.update()
>>> derived.trapezeareas
trapezeareas(4.0, 4.0, 10.0, inf)
wb = self.subpars.pars.control.bottomwidths.values
ht = self.subpars.trapezeheights.values
ws = self.subpars.slopewidths.values
self.values = (wb + ws / 2.0) * ht
w = numpy.cumsum(wb + ws)
self.values[1:] += w[:-1] * ht[1:]
class PerimeterDerivatives(parametertools.Parameter):
"""Change of the perimeter of each trapeze relative to a water level increase
within the trapeze's range [-].
NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 1, float, None, (0.0, None)
CONTROLPARAMETERS = (wq_control.SideSlopes,)
def update(self):
r"""Calculate the perimeter derivatives based on
:math:`2 \cdot \sqrt{1 + SideSlopes^2}`.
>>> from hydpy.models.wq import *
>>> parameterstep()
>>> nmbtrapezes(2)
>>> sideslopes(0.0, 2.0)
>>> derived.perimeterderivatives.update()
>>> derived.perimeterderivatives
perimeterderivatives(2.0, 4.472136)
sideslopes = self.subpars.pars.control.sideslopes.value
self.values = 2.0 * (1.0 + sideslopes**2.0) ** 0.5
class CrestHeightRegularisation(parametertools.Parameter):
"""Regularisation parameter related to the difference between the water depth and
the crest height [m]."""
NDIM, TYPE, TIME, SPAN = 0, float, None, (0.0, None)
CONTROLPARAMETERS = (wq_control.CrestHeightTolerance,)
def update(self):
"""Calculate the smoothing parameter value.
The documentation on module |smoothtools| explains the following example in
some detail:
>>> from hydpy.models.wq import *
>>> from hydpy.cythons.smoothutils import smooth_logistic2
>>> from hydpy import round_
>>> parameterstep()
>>> crestheighttolerance(0.0)
>>> derived.crestheightregularisation.update()
>>> round_(smooth_logistic2(0.0, derived.crestheightregularisation))
>>> crestheighttolerance(0.0025)
>>> derived.crestheightregularisation.update()
>>> round_(smooth_logistic2(0.0025, derived.crestheightregularisation))
metapar = self.subpars.pars.control.crestheighttolerance.value
self(smoothtools.calc_smoothpar_logistic2(1000.0 * metapar) / 1000.0)