HydPy-Meteo-PSun-Sun-Glob-IO (external possible and actual sunshine duration and global radiation data)

Use meteo_psun_sun_glob_io as a submodel to supply (relative) main models like evap_pet_ambav1 with externally available clear-sky solar radiation and global radiation time series.

Integration test


When new to HydPy, consider reading section Integration Tests first.

The only functionality of meteo_psun_sun_glob_io is to read the input time series of possible sunshine duration, actual sunshine duration, and global radiation. Hence, configuring and testing it does not require additional explanations:

>>> from hydpy.models.meteo_psun_sun_glob_io import *
>>> parameterstep()
>>> from hydpy import Element
>>> element = Element("element")
>>> element.model = model
>>> from hydpy import IntegrationTest, pub
>>> pub.timegrids = "2000-01-01", "2000-01-03", "1d"
>>> parameters.update()
>>> test = IntegrationTest(element)
>>> test.dateformat = "%Y-%d-%m"
>>> inputs.possiblesunshineduration.series = 10.0, 12.0
>>> inputs.sunshineduration.series = 5.0, 6.0
>>> inputs.globalradiation.series = 100.0, 200.0
>>> test()
Click to see the table
>>> from hydpy import round_
>>> round_(model.get_possiblesunshineduration())
>>> round_(model.get_sunshineduration())
>>> round_(model.get_globalradiation())
class hydpy.models.meteo_psun_sun_glob_io.Model[source]

Bases: AdHocModel, RadiationModel_V4

HydPy-Meteo-PSun-Sun-Glob-IO (external possible and actual sunshine duration and global radiation data).

The following interface methods are available to main models using the defined model as a submodel:
DOCNAME: DocName = ('Meteo-PSun-Sun-Glob-IO', 'external possible and actual sunshine duration and global radiation data')
REUSABLE_METHODS: ClassVar[tuple[type[ReusableMethod], ...]] = ()
class hydpy.models.meteo_psun_sun_glob_io.InputSequences(master: Sequences, cls_fastaccess: type[TypeFastAccess_co] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: InputSequences

Input sequences of model meteo_psun_sun_glob_io.

The following classes are selected: