
This module implements some “types” to be used for static (and eventually dynamical) typing.

Module typingtools implements the following members:

  • ArrayFloat Type variable.

  • Float1 Type variable.

  • Float2 Type variable.

  • Float_co Type variable.

  • Name Type for strings that represent names.

  • P Parameter specification variable.

  • T Type variable.

  • T1 Type variable.

  • T2 Type variable.

  • T3 Type variable.

  • T_co Type variable.

  • T_contra Type variable.

  • SharableConfiguration Specification of the configuration data that main models can share with their submodels.

  • CyParametersProtocol The protocol for the parameters attribute of Cython extension classes.

  • CySequencesProtocol The protocol for the sequences attribute of Cython extension classes.

  • CyModelProtocol The protocol of Cython extension classes for defining efficient model implementations.

  • CySubstepModelProtocol The protocol of Cython extension classes for defining efficient model implementations compatible with class SubstepModel.

class hydpy.core.typingtools.AbstractContextManager[source]

Bases: ABC

An abstract base class for context managers.

class hydpy.core.typingtools.CyModelProtocol(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Protocol

The protocol of Cython extension classes for defining efficient model implementations.

Class Cythonizer generates the actual, model-specific implementations automatically.

idx_sim: int
parameters: CyParametersProtocol
sequences: CySequencesProtocol
class hydpy.core.typingtools.CySubstepModelProtocol(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: CyModelProtocol

The protocol of Cython extension classes for defining efficient model implementations compatible with class SubstepModel.

Class Cythonizer generates the actual, model-specific implementations automatically.

timeleft: float

The time left within the current simulation step [s].

class hydpy.core.typingtools.SharableConfiguration[source]

Bases: TypedDict

Specification of the configuration data that main models can share with their submodels.

landtype_constants: parametertools.Constants | None

Land cover type-related constants.

soiltype_constants: parametertools.Constants | None

Soil type-related constants.

landtype_refindices: parametertools.NameParameter | None

Reference to a land cover type-related index parameter.

soiltype_refindices: parametertools.NameParameter | None

Reference to a soil type-related index parameter.

refweights: parametertools.Parameter | None

Reference to a weighting parameter (probably handling the size of some computational subunits like the area of hydrological response units).