
This module defines submodel interfaces for calculating runoff concentration processes.

Module rconcinterfaces implements the following members:

  • RConcModel_V1 Simple interface for calculating runoff concentration processes.

class hydpy.interfaces.rconcinterfaces.RConcModel_V1[source]

Bases: SubmodelInterface

Simple interface for calculating runoff concentration processes.

typeid: ClassVar[Literal[1]] = 1

Type identifier for RConcModel_V1 submodels.

get_waterbalance(initial_conditions: dict[str, dict[str, float | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[float64]]]]) float[source]

Get the difference between currently stored water and the given initial conditions in mm.

set_inflow(inflow: float) None[source]

Set the runoff concentration input in mm/T.

determine_outflow() None[source]

Calculate runoff concentration output.

get_outflow() float[source]

Get the previously calculated runoff concentration output in mm/T.