
This module defines submodel interfaces for providing temperature.

Module tempinterfaces implements the following members:

  • TempModel_V1 Pure getter interface for using main models as sub-submodels.

  • TempModel_V2 Simple interface for determining the temperature in one step.

class hydpy.interfaces.tempinterfaces.TempModel_V1[source]

Bases: SubmodelInterface

Pure getter interface for using main models as sub-submodels.

typeid: ClassVar[Literal[1]] = 1

Type identifier for TempModel_V1 submodels.

get_temperature(k: int) float[source]

Get the selected zone’s temperature value in °C.

get_meantemperature() float[source]

Get the basin’s mean temperature value in °C.

class hydpy.interfaces.tempinterfaces.TempModel_V2[source]

Bases: SubmodelInterface

Simple interface for determining the temperature in one step.

typeid: ClassVar[Literal[2]] = 2

Type identifier for TempModel_V2 submodels.

prepare_nmbzones(nmbzones: int) None[source]

Set the number of zones in which the actual calculations take place.

prepare_subareas(subareas: Sequence[float]) None[source]

Set the areas of the individual zones in km².

determine_temperature() None[source]

Determine temperature.

get_temperature(k: int) float[source]

Get the selected zone’s temperature value in °C.

get_meantemperature() float[source]

Get the previously calculated average temperature in °C.