
HydPy is a Python library that follows the principles of object-oriented programming, so its key concepts are usually implemented via classes. The Reference Manual describes these classes and all their functionalities in detail, which is too much information for HydPy beginners. This section offers easier access to HydPy’s key concepts by listing the central terms and briefly explaining how we understand them. If you want to know more, follow the links to the Reference Manual.


Module is the Python term for a single source code file. HydPy’s documentation is highly in sync with its source code. Hence, we often mention that a particular module provides certain features. If you are interested, click on the link to the module or search for it in the quick search bar to be directed to a documentation page explaining this specific module and all its features.


Python libraries like HydPy are often called “packages”. subpackage is a subdirectory of the complete HydPy package that combines multiple related modules. The “model” subpackage, for example, contains all base models (defined in nested subpackages and application models (defined in single modules).


Class (or “type”) is a core term in object-oriented programming. In this documentation, class usually refers to a Python class, with which we often represent a hydrological “thing” in general. A general example is the type float, which defines the general properties of floating-point numbers in Python. A HydPy-specific example is the class Area, used by the model family HydPy-H (HBV) to represent a subbasin’s area.


In object-oriented programming, a subclass (or child class) inherits the properties of its base classes. One can understand this concept intuitively by considering Furniture as a base class and Chair and Table as its subclasses. Chair and Table could share common properties such as colour defined by their common base class. However, only class Chair would need a property like backrest.

From the development perspective, the concept of subclassing prevents code duplications. In the given example, one must add the property colour only to the single base class Furniture, not its two subclasses Chair and Table. But remembering that HydPy relies heavily on subclassing also eases its understanding a lot. For example, the mentioned class Area is a subclass of the base class Parameter (noted in the first documentation line). Hence, you can expect Area to work like all other Parameter subclasses, but it might provide additional features. One example of a shared property is the general class attribute TYPE, which tells if a parameter handles, for example, integer or floating-point values. As you can see in the documentation on Area, HydPy-H (HBV) (unsurprisingly) expects the subbasin area to be defined by floating-point values.


An instance (or “object”) is a concrete realisation of a class. 1.5, for example, is an instance of float with concrete data that makes it usable. You can add two float instances with the value 1.5 to get the new float instance 3.0. In contrast, adding two classes does not make sense. To give a HydPy example, class Area defines how we define the area of a subcatchment and how we can use it when working with members of the HydPy-H (HBV) model family. But when dealing with the concrete area of a specific subbasin, we work with a single instance of Area.


In hydrology, the meaning of the term model is highly context-dependent. Technically speaking, this documentation typically uses it to refer to a user-relevant subclass of the base class Model. Many such classes provide the features to represent the water cycle within a subcatchment (e.g. hland_96). Others deal with related processes like flood routing (e.g. musk_classic) or serve more technical purposes like interpolation of meteorological input data (e.g. conv_idw). The following subsections describe the most relevant model-related terms used throughout this documentation.


The term model in hydrology often refers to the complete input and configuration data necessary to simulate a catchment’s water cycle. As explained in the model section, we prefer to use it in the sense of “model type”. Hence, when discussing “readily set-up models”, we use the term project instead. See the HydPy-H-Lahn project for an example.

model family

Each model family targets certain hydrologcial processes or more technical purposes and consists of one base model and several application models. Some model families are the only ones that fulfil a specific task, while others share their tasks but accomplish it with different means. For example, HydPy-Evap is the only model family with submodels suitable for calculating evapotranspiration. In contrast, HydPy-Musk (Muskingum) and HydPy-SW1D (Shallow Water 1D) share the same target (flood routing) but achieve it with very different approaches (“hydrological” Muskingum routing vs “hydrodynamical” Saint-Vernaint routing).

base model

A base model provides all methods to be used by the application models of the same model family. In practice, base models are merely important for model developers. However, we use base modelsto explain and test individual methods, so one frequently encounters them when reading the documentation. See, for example, the documentation on method Calc_TC_V1, which uses the base model hland of the model family HydPy-H (HBV) to explain the adjustment of subbasin-wide average air temperature to hydrological response units with different elevations. The explanations and tests apply to all submodels selecting this method (in this case, all application models of HydPy-H (HBV)).

A base model’s name equals the name of the subpackage containing all modules defining it.

application model

Application models are user-relevant model types. They select suitable combinations of the methods provided by the base model of the same model family. (Hence, technically speaking, an application model is a composition of components provided by a base model, not its subclass.) Two examples of the HydPy-Evap model family are evap_ret_fao56 and evap_ret_tw2002, which calculate the reference evapotranspiration according ref-Allen1998 and ATV-DVWK (2002), respectively.

An application model’s name equals the name of the module defining it.

main model

Essentially, HydPy projects are structured via elements and nodes. Each element instance directly handles one main model instance (and indirectly, eventually, some submodel instances). The main model defines the general considered processes and executes them or delegates this task to its submodels. For example, by selecting hland_96 as the main model, one determines that a subbasin’s runoff generation and concentration processes are represented in the style of HBV96 (Lindström et al., 1997).


Submodels are selectable (and sometimes optional) members of main models that serve more specific tasks. For example, evap_pet_hbv96 and evap_aet_hbv96 calculate potential and actual evapotranspiration following HBV96 (Lindström et al., 1997). One can “plug them” to hland_96 to get a consistent HBV96 model but also to other application models of HydPy-H (HBV) and different model families.

Note that we sometimes use the term sub-submodel when submodels can themselves use submodels. For example, evap_aet_hbv96 can use evap_pet_hbv96 or a similar submodel to gain potential evapotranspiration estimates.

submodel interface

In object-oriented programming, an interface is an abstract description of concrete classes. If, for example, a function is “programmed against” an interface, it can use all concrete classes that “implement” it (synonyms of “implement” are “follow” and “comply with”).

HydPy’s design of the submodel concept relies on this programming technique. The subpackage interfaces provides multiple abstract descriptions for submodels. Users do not need to be aware of all details but should understand that if an application model like hland_96 claims it can consider additional runoff concentration processes by using a submodel that follows the RConcModel_V1 interface, they can use, for example, rconc_uh for this purpose, as it one of the submodels following the RConcModel_V1 interface.

stand-alone model

Most submodels work only as members of a main model instance. However, there are some exceptions like evap_ret_fao56, which also work as stand-alone models. Suppose you are, for example, just interested in calculating reference evapotranspiration for a subbasin. In that case, do not need to set up a complete “land model” but can assign an evap_ret_fao56 instance directly to an element (or even use it without any “network overhead”).


This documentation uses the term method in two ways. First, following object-oriented programming terminology, it stands for (Python) functions directly related to a classes. Second, it stands for the “granular units” (often single equations) of (more or less) hydrological approaches implemented via subclasses of class Method. One example is Calc_TC_V1, which adjusts the subbasin-wide average air temperature to hydrological response units with different elevations following HBV96 (Lindström et al., 1997). The base model hland defines this method, and application models like hland_96 use it.


The term network addresses the (spatial) connections necessary to model a catchment consisting of more than one subbasin. A network combines consistently coupled element and node instances.


Element instances are the central components of each HydPy project’s network. They usually represent places where something needs to be calculated, for example, the subbasin of a catchment (where we want to calculate runoff generation and concentration) or a river crossing a subbasin (where we want to calculate flood routing).

Within a project, each element instance has a unique, user-defined name that serves to identify it.

Elements cannot perform calculations by themselves but require application models. Each element instance handles a single main model (which might have several submodels). The element’s task is mainly to connect its model to the network and enable data exchange with other models via nodes. A routing model, for example, receives its inflow through its element’s “inlet nodes” and passes it through its element’s “outlet nodes” to the next element downstream, which might handle another routing model of the same or a different type or, for example, a lake model. Pure information like the current water level within river reach required to control an upstream dam’s water release is sent and received via “sender nodes” and “receiver nodes”.

HydPy only provides a single element type (defined by class Element), which can handle all different model types.


Node instances are the second essential component of all networks. They allow specifying which model instance passes which type of information in which direction. The “direction” follows from the given connections to element instances (which handle the model instances). The “type” can be set by the node’s “variable” (see attribute variable of class Node). Typical “places” for nodes are basin outlets, river mouths or streamflow gauges.

Within a project, each node instance has a unique, user-defined name that serves to identify it.

In contrast to elements, nodes do not differentiate between “local material transfer” and “remote information transfer”. They generally get it from their “entry elements” and pass all data to their “exit elements”.

Besides passing data from one model to the other, nodes support provide features like injecting externally prepared time series or comparing simulated with observed data, which are especially important when a node represents a streamflow gauge.


We use device as the umbrella term for element and node. (This is due to the technical fact that the classes Element and Node are subclasses of the base class Device.)


A selection combines multiple node and element instances. Each HydPy project automatically contains one named “complete” that covers the entire network. You can freely define additional selections and store them in individual network files (see the documentation on module selectiontools on how to do this).

Often, selections represent subareas of large river basins modelled by multiple “land” and “routing” models. Still, you can choose any other criteria; the HydPy-H-Lahn project, for example, uses selections to distinguish headwater from non-headwater catchments.

Overlapping is allowed, meaning the same node or element instance can be a member of multiple selections.


Throughout this documentation, the term keyword often means “short text attached to element or node instances”. These keywords serve as simple metadata and help to query certain instances. For example, one can add the string “gauge” to all node instances representing locations with runoff measurements, making it easy to calculate Nash-Sutcliffe coefficients wherever possible.

Each element and node instance can hold multiple keywords.


The programming and hydrological communities use the term parameter differently. In Python, parameter means a variable of a function that receives its data when the function is called (in def f(x):, x is the variable). To avoid confusion, we try to avoid the term parameter in this context and instead speak of (function) arguments.

In hydrological modelling, parameters represent properties (described by numbers) that often depend on the spatial characteristics of a catchment but are not changed by the model equations. In most cases, parameter values do not change at all during a simulation run (for example, a soil’s field capacity). In other cases, the parameter values vary in a predefined, often daily or annual pattern (for example, a deciduous tree’s leaf area index).

All implemented parameter types are subclasses of the base class Parameter. We differentiate them into the following groups.

From the user’s perspective, the control parameters are most important. One must set the values of these parameters, which is typically done within “control files”, to adjust the selected model to the processes of the considered catchment. One example is FC, the field capacity parameter of the HydPy-H (HBV) model family. Note that many control parameters offer individual functionalities that often serve to reduce configuration efforts.

One often encounters derived parameters when reading the basic equations and explanations of individual methods, but users must seldom configure them directly. In applications, derived parameters usually query information from control parameters to calculate their values automatically. If ever, users should modify these values for testing purposes. One example is QFactor, which uses the user-defined subcatchment area (defined by control parameter Area) to determine the factor for converting the units of fluxes from mm/T to m³/s (with T being the simulation step size).

Fixed parameters represent mathematical or physical properties with unambiguous values. Principally, users can modify them, but this is more a feature for testing than for practical applications. One example (for a parameter with a definitely fixed value) is Pi.

Solver parameters determine the numerical accuracy of application models that rely on numerical integration methods. All solver parameters come with default values. These should be sensible in most cases, but experienced users always have the option to modify them for potential benefits in accuracy or simulation speed. One example is AbsErrorMax, which defines the local truncation error when working with the models of the HydPy-W (WALRUS) family.


In HydPy, the term sequence’s meaning differs from the Python terminology, and one should be aware of a class conflict.

In Python, sequence refers to any indexable, ordered data collection. A string (str), for example, is a fixed collection of Unicode characters and a list (list) is an adjustable collection of arbitrary objects. We avoid using the term sequence this way in the documentation texts. Still, many type hints (which define, for example, which type of data a function accepts) rely on Python’s corresponding abstract collection type Sequence. (To a function argument annotated with Sequence[str], you can pass a string, a list of strings, or any other indexable, ordered collection that only contains strings.)

In HydPy, we understand the term sequence similar to the term parameter, with the difference that sequence addresses properties that change during a simulation run. These properties can be external forcings like precipitation or calculation results like discharge. To limit confusion and prevent class name clashes, we added an underscore to the general sequence base class Sequence_.

The terms sequence and “time series” are closely related but not interchangable. By default, sequence instances only handle the current value (or, in some cases, the recent values) of the properties they represent. Yet, most sequences have the series attribute, allowing them to keep the time series of a complete simulation period.

We differentiate all implemented sequence types into different groups. All sequences of a group share a common base class that offers special functionalities.

Input sequences (derived from InputSequence) provide the (mostly meteorological) input forcings required for hydrological simulations, usually by reading their data from time series files.

State and log sequences serve as a model’s memory. We often subsume them as “condition sequences” or simply “conditions”. State sequences (derived from StateSequence) represent current states like soil moisture. Log sequences (derived from LogSequence) log previous input data or calculation results required by approaches like the Unit Hydrograph method. State and log sequences usually read their initial conditions from “condition files” and and become stepwise updated during simulation runs.

Factor and flux sequences contain pure simulation results. They are technically identical but target different properties. Factor sequences (derived from FactorSequence) deal with factors like air temperature or water level, while flux sequences (derived from FluxSequence) deal with fluxes like global radiation or discharge.

Inlet, outlet, receiver, and sender sequences usually serve to exchange data with other models. We often subsume them as “link sequences”. See the element subsection for more information.

Aide sequences (derived from AideSequence) only store temporary information and are of little importance to users.

Note that state, factor, and flux sequences are sometimes called` output sequences` for two reasons. First, they support writing simulation results to time series files. Second, HydPy allows connecting an output sequence of one model instance to an input sequence of another model instance. (This feature is unhandy, so we added the submodel concept to HydPy 6.0. Only a few cases are left where the input-output sequence mechanism is still required.)