HydPy implements a close but not exact emulation of the central routines of the LARSIM model, applied by many forecasting centres in Germany and some neighbouring countries. The version 1 application models of HydPy-L agree very well with a LARSIM configuration called LARSIM-ME (“ME” stands for Middle Europe), used by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) for calculating hydroclimatic scenarios for large river basins (see e. g. the KLIWAS project).

HydPy-L is partly based on the original publication on LARSIM (BREMICKER), the summary of the theory and the range of applications of LARSIM, which is continuously updated by the LARSIM development community (LARSIM-Entwicklergemeinschaft), the LARSIM online documentation (LARSIM Online-Hilfe), and some useful hints of the colleagues of the LUBW (Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Baden-Württemberg) and the HYDRON GmbH. Some other parts of HydPy-L have been programmed more independently and were incorporated into the original LARSIM implementation later.

HydPy-L includes three different base models:

So far, we compiled the following application models:

These application models are stand-alone models. You can combine them freely with all other models implemented in HydPy.

For reasons of consistency with the original LARSIM implementation, the names of all parameter and sequence classes are German terms and abbreviations. Additionally, the documentation on each parameter or sequence contains an English translation.