
This module extends the features of module filetools for loading data from and storing data to netCDF4 files, consistent with the NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Conventions.

Usually, we apply the features implemented in this module only indirectly by using the context managers netcdfreading() and netcdfwriting(). However, here we try to be a little more explicit by using their underlying methods. Therefore, we need to follow three steps:

  1. Call either method open_netcdfreader() or method open_netcdfwriter() of the SequenceManager object available in module pub to prepare a NetCDFInterface object for reading or writing.

  2. Call either the usual reading or writing methods of other HydPy classes like method load_fluxseries() of class HydPy or method save_stateseries() of class Elements. The prepared NetCDFInterface object collects all requests of those sequences one wants to read from or write to NetCDF files.

  3. Finalise reading or writing by calling either method close_netcdfreader() or close_netcdfwriter().

Step 2 is a logging process only, telling the NetCDFInterface object which data needs to be read or written. The actual reading from or writing to NetCDF files is triggered by step 3.

During step 2, the NetCDFInterface object and its subobjects are accessible, allowing to inspect their current state or modify their behaviour.

The following real code examples show how to perform these three steps both for reading and writing data, based on the example configuration defined by function prepare_io_example_1():

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()

(1) We prepare a NetCDFInterface object for writing data by calling the method open_netcdfwriter():

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> pub.sequencemanager.open_netcdfwriter()
  1. We tell the SequenceManager to write all the time-series data to NetCDF files:

>>> pub.sequencemanager.filetype = "nc"

(3) We store all the time-series handled by the Node and Element objects of the example dataset by calling save_allseries() of class Nodes and save_allseries() of class Elements. (In real cases, you would not write the with TestIO(): line. This code block makes sure we pollute the IO testing directory instead of our current working directory):

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     nodes.save_allseries()
...     elements.save_allseries()

(4) We again log all sequences, but after telling the SequenceManager to average each time series spatially:

>>> with TestIO(), pub.sequencemanager.aggregation("mean"):
...     nodes.save_allseries()
...     elements.save_allseries()

(5) We can now navigate into the details of the logged time series data via the NetCDFInterface object and its subobjects. For example, we can query the logged flux sequence objects of type NKor belonging to application model lland_v1 (those of elements element1 and element2; the trailing numbers are the indices of the relevant hydrological response units):

>>> writer = pub.sequencemanager.netcdfwriter
>>> writer.lland_v1_flux_nkor.subdevicenames
('element1_0', 'element2_0', 'element2_1')

(6) In the example discussed here, all sequences belong to the same folder (default). Storing sequences in separate folders goes hand in hand with storing them in separate NetCDF files. In such cases, you must include the folder in the attribute name:

>>> writer.foldernames
>>> writer.default_lland_v1_flux_nkor.subdevicenames
('element1_0', 'element2_0', 'element2_1')

(7) We close the NetCDFInterface object, which is the moment where the writing process happens. After that, the interface object is not available anymore:

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     pub.sequencemanager.close_netcdfwriter()
>>> pub.sequencemanager.netcdfwriter
Traceback (most recent call last):
hydpy.core.exceptiontools.AttributeNotReady: The sequence file manager does currently handle no NetCDF writer object.

(8) We set the time series values of two test sequences to zero to demonstrate that reading the data back in actually works:

>>> nodes.node2.sequences.sim.series = 0.0
>>> elements.element2.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor.series = 0.0

(9) We move up a gear and and prepare a NetCDFInterface object for reading data, log all NodeSequence and ModelSequence objects, and read their time series data from the created NetCDF file. We temporarily disable the checkseries option to prevent raising an exception when reading incomplete data from the files:

>>> with TestIO(), pub.options.checkseries(False):
...     pub.sequencemanager.open_netcdfreader()
...     nodes.load_simseries()
...     elements.load_allseries()
...     pub.sequencemanager.close_netcdfreader()
  1. We check if the data is available via the test sequences again:

>>> nodes.node2.sequences.sim.series
InfoArray([64., 65., 66., 67.])
>>> elements.element2.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor.series
InfoArray([[16., 17.],
           [18., 19.],
           [20., 21.],
           [22., 23.]])
>>> pub.sequencemanager.netcdfreader
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: The sequence file manager does currently handle no NetCDF reader object.

(11) We cannot invert spatial aggregation. Hence reading averaged time series is left for postprocessing tools. To show that writing the averaged series worked, we access both relevant NetCDF files more directly using the underlying NetCDF4 library (note that averaging 1-dimensional time series as those of node sequence Sim is allowed for the sake of consistency):

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> from numpy import array
>>> filepath = "project/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     array(ncfile["sim_q"][:])
>>> filepath = "project/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...         array(ncfile["flux_nkor"][:])[:, 1]
array([16.5, 18.5, 20.5, 22.5])

Besides the testing-related specialities, the described workflow is more or less standard but allows for different modifications. We illustrate them in the documentation of the other features implemented in module netcdftools but also the documentation on class SequenceManager of module filetools and class IOSequence of module sequencetools.

Using the NetCDF format allows reading or writing data “just in time” during simulation runs. The documentation of class “HydPy” explains how to select and set the relevant IOSequence objects for this option. See the documentation on method provide_jitaccess() of class NetCDFInterface for more in-depth information.

Module netcdftools implements the following members:

hydpy.core.netcdftools.dimmapping = {'nmb_characters': 'char_leng_name', 'nmb_subdevices': 'stations', 'nmb_timepoints': 'time'}

Dimension-related terms within NetCDF files.

You can change this mapping if it does not suit your requirements. For example, change the value of the keyword “nmb_subdevices” if you prefer to call this dimension “location” instead of “stations” within NetCDF files:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import dimmapping
>>> dimmapping["nmb_subdevices"] = "location"
hydpy.core.netcdftools.varmapping = {'subdevices': 'station_id', 'timepoints': 'time'}

Variable-related terms within NetCDF files.

You can change this mapping if it does not suit your requirements. For example, change the value of the keyword “timepoints” if you prefer to call this variable “period” instead of “time” within NetCDF files:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import varmapping
>>> varmapping["timepoints"] = "period"
hydpy.core.netcdftools.fillvalue = nan

Default fill value for writing NetCDF files.

You can set another float value before writing a NetCDF file:

>>> from hydpy.core import netcdftools
>>> netcdftools.fillvalue = -777.0
hydpy.core.netcdftools.str2chars(strings: Sequence[str]) ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes]][source]

Return a ndarray object containing the byte characters (second axis) of all given strings (first axis).

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import str2chars
>>> str2chars(['street', 'St.', 'Straße', 'Str.'])
array([[b's', b't', b'r', b'e', b'e', b't', b''],
       [b'S', b't', b'.', b'', b'', b'', b''],
       [b'S', b't', b'r', b'a', b'Ã', b'Ÿ', b'e'],
       [b'S', b't', b'r', b'.', b'', b'', b'']], dtype='|S1')
>>> str2chars([])
array([], shape=(0, 0), dtype='|S1')
hydpy.core.netcdftools.chars2str(chars: ndarray[Any, dtype[bytes]]) List[str][source]

Inversion function of str2chars().

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import chars2str
>>> chars2str([[b"s", b"t", b"r", b"e", b"e", b"t", b""],
...            [b"S", b"t", b".", b"", b"", b"", b""],
...            [b"S", b"t", b"r", b"a", b"\xc3", b"\x9f", b"e"],
...            [b"S", b"t", b"r", b".", b"", b"", b""]])
['street', 'St.', 'Straße', 'Str.']
>>> chars2str([])
>>> chars2str([[b"s", b"t", b"r", b"e", b"e", b"t"],
...            [b"S", b"t", b".", b"", b"", b""],
...            [b"S", b"t", b"r", b"a", b"\xc3", b"e"],
...            [b"S", b"t", b"r", b".", b"", b""]])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Cannot decode `b'Stra\xc3e'` (not UTF-8 compliant).
hydpy.core.netcdftools.create_dimension(ncfile: Dataset, name: str, length: int) None[source]

Add a new dimension with the given name and length to the given NetCDF file.

Essentially, create_dimension() only calls the equally named method of the NetCDF library but adds information to possible error messages:

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> with TestIO():
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "w")
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import create_dimension
>>> create_dimension(ncfile, "dim1", 5)
>>> dim = ncfile.dimensions["dim1"]
>>> dim.size if hasattr(dim, "size") else dim
>>> try:
...     create_dimension(ncfile, "dim1", 5)
... except BaseException as exc:
...     print(exc)    
While trying to add dimension `dim1` with length `5` to the NetCDF file ``, the following error occurred: ...
>>> ncfile.close()
hydpy.core.netcdftools.create_variable(ncfile: Dataset, name: str, datatype: str, dimensions: Sequence[str]) None[source]

Add a new variable with the given name, datatype, and dimensions to the given NetCDF file.

Essentially, create_variable() only calls the equally named method of the NetCDF library but adds information to possible error messages:

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> with TestIO():
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "w")
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import create_variable
>>> try:
...     create_variable(ncfile, "var1", "f8", ("dim1",))
... except BaseException as exc:
...     print(str(exc).strip('"'))    
While trying to add variable `var1` with datatype `f8` and dimensions `('dim1',)` to the NetCDF file ``, the following error occurred: ...
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import create_dimension
>>> create_dimension(ncfile, "dim1", 5)
>>> create_variable(ncfile, "var1", "f8", ("dim1",))
>>> import numpy
>>> numpy.array(ncfile["var1"][:])
array([nan, nan, nan, nan, nan])
>>> ncfile.close()
hydpy.core.netcdftools.query_variable(ncfile: Dataset, name: str) Variable[source]

Return the variable with the given name from the given NetCDF file.

Essentially, query_variable() only queries the variable via keyword access using the NetCDF library but adds information to possible error messages:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import query_variable
>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> with TestIO():
...     file_ = netcdf4.Dataset("", "w")
>>> query_variable(file_, "flux_prec")
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: NetCDF file `` does not contain variable `flux_prec`.
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import create_variable
>>> create_variable(file_, "flux_prec", "f8", ())
>>> isinstance(query_variable(file_, "flux_prec"), netcdf4.Variable)
>>> file_.close()
hydpy.core.netcdftools.query_timegrid(ncfile: Dataset, sequence: IOSequence) Timegrid[source]

Return the Timegrid defined by the given NetCDF file.

query_timegrid() relies on the timereference attribute of the given NetCDF file, if available, and falls back to the global timestampleft option when necessary. The NetCDF files of the LahnH example project (and all other NetCDF files written by HydPy) include such information:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_full_example_2
>>> hp, pub, TestIO = prepare_full_example_2()
>>> from netCDF4 import Dataset
>>> filepath = "LahnH/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     ncfile.timereference
'left interval boundary'

We start our examples considering the input sequence P, which handles precipitation sums. query_timegrid() requires an instance of P to determine that each value of the time series of the NetCDF file references a time interval and not a time point:

>>> p = hp.elements.land_dill.model.sequences.inputs.p

If the file-specific setting does not collide with the current value of timestampleft, query_timegrid() works silently:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import query_timegrid
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, p)
Timegrid("1996-01-01 00:00:00",
         "2007-01-01 00:00:00",

If a file-specific setting is missing, query_timegrid() applies the current timestampleft value:

>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...     del ncfile.timereference
>>> from hydpy.core.testtools import warn_later
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, p)
Timegrid("1996-01-01 00:00:00",
         "2007-01-01 00:00:00",
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile, pub.options.timestampleft(False):
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, p)
Timegrid("1995-12-31 00:00:00",
         "2006-12-31 00:00:00",

If the file-specific setting and timestampleft conflict, query_timegrid() favours the file attribute and warns about this assumption:

>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...     ncfile.timereference = "right interval boundary"
>>> with TestIO(), warn_later(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, p)  
Timegrid("1995-12-31 00:00:00",
         "2006-12-31 00:00:00",
UserWarning: The `timereference` attribute (`right interval boundary`) of the NetCDF file `` conflicts with the current value of the global `timestampleft` option (`True`).  The file-specific information is prioritised.

State sequences like SM handle data for specific time points instead of time intervals. Their series vector contains the calculated values for the end of each simulation step. Hence, without file-specific information, query_timegrid() ignores the timestampleft option and follows the right interval boundary convention:

>>> sm =
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...     del ncfile.timereference
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, sm)
Timegrid("1995-12-31 00:00:00",
         "2006-12-31 00:00:00",

Add a timereference attribute with the value current time to explicitly include this information in a NetCDF file:

>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...     ncfile.timereference = "current time"
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, sm)
Timegrid("1995-12-31 00:00:00",
         "2006-12-31 00:00:00",

query_timegrid() raises special warnings when a NetCDF file’s timereference attribute conflicts with its judgement whether the contained data addresses time intervals or time points:

>>> with TestIO(), warn_later(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, p)  
Timegrid("1995-12-31 00:00:00",
         "2006-12-31 00:00:00",
UserWarning: The `timereference` attribute (`current time`) of the NetCDF file `` conflicts with the type of the relevant sequence (`P`).  The file-specific information is prioritised.
>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...     ncfile.timereference = "left interval boundary"
>>> with TestIO(), warn_later(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, sm)  
Timegrid("1996-01-01 00:00:00",
         "2007-01-01 00:00:00",
UserWarning: The `timereference` attribute (`left interval boundary`) of the NetCDF file `` conflicts with the type of the relevant sequence (`SM`).  The file-specific information is prioritised.

query_timegrid() also raises specific warnings for misstated timereference attributes describing the different fallbacks for data related to time intervals and time points:

>>> with TestIO(), Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...     ncfile.timereference = "wrong"
>>> with TestIO(), warn_later(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, p)  
Timegrid("1996-01-01 00:00:00",
         "2007-01-01 00:00:00",
UserWarning: The value of the `timereference` attribute (`wrong`) of the NetCDF file `` is not among the accepted values (`left...`, `right...`, `current...`).  Assuming `left interval boundary` according to the current value of the global `timestampleft` option.
>>> with TestIO(), warn_later(), Dataset(filepath) as ncfile:
...     query_timegrid(ncfile, sm)  
Timegrid("1995-12-31 00:00:00",
         "2006-12-31 00:00:00",
UserWarning: The value of the `timereference` attribute (`wrong`) of the NetCDF file `` is not among the accepted values (`left...`, `right...`, `current...`).  Assuming `current time` according to the type of the relevant sequence (`SM`).
hydpy.core.netcdftools.query_array(ncfile: Dataset, name: str) ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]][source]

Return the data of the variable with the given name from the given NetCDF file.

The following example shows that query_array() returns nan entries for representing missing values even when the respective NetCDF variable defines a different fill value:

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core import netcdftools
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4, create_dimension, create_variable
>>> import numpy
>>> with TestIO():
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "w") as ncfile:
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "time", 2)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "stations", 3)
...         netcdftools.fillvalue = -999.0
...         create_variable(ncfile, "var", "f8", ("time", "stations"))
...         netcdftools.fillvalue = numpy.nan
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "r")
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import query_variable, query_array
>>> query_variable(ncfile, "var")[:].data
array([[-999., -999., -999.],
       [-999., -999., -999.]])
>>> query_array(ncfile, "var")
array([[nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan]])
>>> ncfile.close()

Usually, HydPy expects all data variables in NetCDF files to be 2-dimensional, with time on the first and location on the second axis. However, query_array() allows for an exception for compatibility with Delft-FEWS. When working with ensembles, Delft-FEWS defines a third dimension called realization and puts it between the first dimension (time) and the last dimension (stations). In our experience, this additional dimension is always of length one, meaning we can safely ignore it:

>>> with TestIO():
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "w") as ncfile:
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "time", 2)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "realization", 1)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "stations", 3)
...         var = create_variable(ncfile, "var", "f8",
...                               ("time", "realization", "stations"))
...         ncfile["var"][:] = [[[1.1, 1.2, 1.3]], [[2.1, 2.2, 2.3]]]
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "r")
>>> var = query_variable(ncfile, "var")[:]
>>> var.shape
(2, 1, 3)
>>> query_array(ncfile, "var").shape
(2, 3)
>>> query_array(ncfile, "var")
array([[1.1, 1.2, 1.3],
       [2.1, 2.2, 2.3]])
>>> ncfile.close()

query_array() raises errors if dimensionality is smaller than two or larger than three or if there are three dimensions and the length of the second dimension is not one:

>>> with TestIO():
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "w") as ncfile:
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "time", 2)
...         var = create_variable(ncfile, "var", "f8", ("time",))
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "r") as ncfile:
...         query_array(ncfile, "var")
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Variable `var` of NetCDF file `` must be 2-dimensional (or 3-dimensional with a length of one on the second axis) but has the shape `(2,)`.
>>> with TestIO():
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "w") as ncfile:
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "time", 2)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "realization", 2)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "stations", 3)
...         var = create_variable(ncfile, "var", "f8",
...                               ("time", "realization", "stations"))
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "r") as ncfile:
...         query_array(ncfile, "var")
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Variable `var` of NetCDF file `` must be 2-dimensional (or 3-dimensional with a length of one on the second axis) but has the shape `(2, 2, 3)`.

The skipping of the realization axis is very specific to Delft-FEWS. To prevent hiding problems when reading erroneous data from other sources, query_array() emits the following warning if the name of the second dimension is not realization:

>>> from hydpy.core.testtools import warn_later
>>> with TestIO():
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "w") as ncfile:
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "time", 2)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "realisation", 1)
...         create_dimension(ncfile, "stations", 3)
...         var = create_variable(ncfile, "var", "f8",
...                               ("time", "realisation", "stations"))
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "r") as ncfile, warn_later():
...         query_array(ncfile, "var")
array([[nan, nan, nan],
       [nan, nan, nan]])
UserWarning: Variable `var` of NetCDF file `` is 3-dimensional and the length of the second dimension is one, but its name is `realisation` instead of `realization`.
hydpy.core.netcdftools.get_filepath(ncfile: Dataset) str[source]

Return the path of the given NetCDF file.

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import get_filepath
>>> with TestIO():
...     with netcdf4.Dataset("", "w") as ncfile:
...         get_filepath(ncfile)
class hydpy.core.netcdftools.JITAccessInfo(ncvariable: netcdf4.Variable, realisation: bool, timedelta: int, columns: Tuple[int, ...], data: NDArrayFloat)[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Helper class for structuring reading from or writing to a NetCDF file “just in time” during a simulation run for a specific NetCDFVariableFlat object.

ncvariable: Variable

Variable for the direct access to the relevant section of the NetCDF file.

realisation: bool

Flag that indicates if the relevant ncvariable comes with an additional realization dimension (explained in the documentation on function query_array())

timedelta: int

Difference between the relevant row of the NetCDF file and the current simulation index (as defined by Idx_Sim).

columns: Tuple[int, ...]

Indices of the relevant columns of the NetCDF file correctly ordered with respect to data.

data: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

Bridge to transfer data between the NetCDF file and the (cythonized) hydrological models.

class hydpy.core.netcdftools.JITAccessHandler(readers: Tuple[JITAccessInfo, ...], writers: Tuple[JITAccessInfo, ...])[source]

Bases: NamedTuple

Handler used by the SequenceManager object available in module pub for reading data from and/or writing data to NetCDF files at each step of a simulation run.

readers: Tuple[JITAccessInfo, ...]

All JITAccessInfo objects responsible for reading data during the simulation run.

writers: Tuple[JITAccessInfo, ...]

All JITAccessInfo objects responsible for writing data during the simulation run.

read_slices(idx: int) None[source]

Read the time slice relevant for the current simulation step from each NetCDF file selected for reading.

write_slices(idx: int) None[source]

Write the time slice relevant for the current simulation step from each NetCDF file selected for writing.

class hydpy.core.netcdftools.NetCDFInterface[source]

Bases: object

Interface between SequenceManager and multiple NetCDF files.

The core task of class NetCDFInterface is to distribute different IOSequence objects on multiple instances of class NetCDFVariableBase.

(1) We prepare a SequenceManager object and some devices handling different sequences by applying function prepare_io_example_1():

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()

(2) We collect all sequences used in the following examples except NKor of element element1, which we reserve for special tests:

>>> sequences = []
>>> for node in nodes:
...     sequences.append(node.sequences.sim)
>>> for element in elements:
...     if == "hland_v1":
...         sequences.append(element.model.sequences.states.sp)
...     else:
...         sequences.append(element.model.sequences.inputs.nied)
...         if != "element1":
...             sequences.append(element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor)

(3) We prepare a NetCDFInterface object and log and write all test sequences except NKor of element element1. NetCDFInterface initialises one NetCDFVariableFlat and one NetCDFVariableAgg object for each IOSequence subtype:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFInterface
>>> interface = NetCDFInterface()
>>> len(interface)
>>> from hydpy import pub, TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     for sequence in sequences:
...         _ = interface.log(sequence, sequence.series)
...         _ = interface.log(sequence, sequence.average_series())
>>> len(interface)

We change the relevant directory before logging the reserved sequence. NetCDFInterface initialises two new NetCDFVariableBase objects, despite other NetCDFVariableBase objects related to the same sequence type being already available:

>>> nkor = elements.element1.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
>>> with TestIO():
...     pub.sequencemanager.currentdir = "test"
...     _ = interface.log(nkor, nkor.series)
...     _ = interface.log(nkor, nkor.average_series())
>>> len(interface)

You can query all relevant folder names, filenames and variable names via properties foldernames, filenames, and variablenames:

>>> from hydpy import print_values
>>> print_values(interface.foldernames)
default, test
>>> print_values(interface.filenames)
hland_v1_state_sp, hland_v1_state_sp_mean, lland_v1_flux_nkor,
lland_v1_flux_nkor_mean, lland_v1_input_nied,
lland_v1_input_nied_mean, lland_v2_flux_nkor, lland_v2_flux_nkor_mean,
lland_v2_input_nied, lland_v2_input_nied_mean, node_sim_q,
node_sim_q_mean, node_sim_t, node_sim_t_mean
>>> interface.variablenames
('flux_nkor', 'input_nied', 'sim_q', 'sim_t', 'state_sp')

NetCDFInterface provides attribute access to its NetCDFVariableBase instances, both via their filenames and the combination of its folder names and filenames:

>>> interface.node_sim_q is interface.default_node_sim_q
>>> print_values(sorted(set(dir(interface)) - set(object.__dir__(interface))))
default_hland_v1_state_sp, default_hland_v1_state_sp_mean,
default_lland_v1_flux_nkor, default_lland_v1_flux_nkor_mean,
default_lland_v1_input_nied, default_lland_v1_input_nied_mean,
default_lland_v2_flux_nkor, default_lland_v2_flux_nkor_mean,
default_lland_v2_input_nied, default_lland_v2_input_nied_mean,
default_node_sim_q, default_node_sim_q_mean, default_node_sim_t,
default_node_sim_t_mean, hland_v1_state_sp, hland_v1_state_sp_mean,
lland_v1_input_nied, lland_v1_input_nied_mean, lland_v2_flux_nkor,
lland_v2_flux_nkor_mean, lland_v2_input_nied,
lland_v2_input_nied_mean, node_sim_q, node_sim_q_mean, node_sim_t,
node_sim_t_mean, test_lland_v1_flux_nkor, test_lland_v1_flux_nkor_mean

If multiple NetCDF files have the same name, you must prefix the relevant folder name:

>>> interface.lland_v1_flux_nkor
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: The current NetCDFInterface object handles multiple NetCDF files named `lland_v1_flux_nkor`.  Please be more specific.
>>> hasattr(interface, "default_lland_v1_flux_nkor")

NetCDFInterface raises the following error for completely wrong attribute names:

>>> interface.lland_v1
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: The current NetCDFInterface object neither handles a NetCDF file named `lland_v1` nor does it define a member named `lland_v1`.

(4) We write all NetCDF files into the default folder of the testing directory, defined by prepare_io_example_1():

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     interface.write()

(5) We define a shorter initialisation period and re-activate the time series of the test sequences:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> pub.timegrids = "02.01.2000", "04.01.2000", "1d"
>>> for sequence in sequences:
...     sequence.prepare_series(allocate_ram=False)
...     sequence.prepare_series(allocate_ram=True)
>>> nkor.prepare_series(allocate_ram=False)
>>> nkor.prepare_series(allocate_ram=True)

(6) We again initialise class NetCDFInterface, log all test sequences, and read the test data of the defined subperiod:

>>> interface = NetCDFInterface()
>>> with TestIO():
...     _ = interface.log(nkor, nkor.series)
...     pub.sequencemanager.currentdir = "default"
...     for sequence in sequences:
...         _ = interface.log(sequence, None)
>>> nodes.node1.sequences.sim.series
InfoArray([61., 62.])
>>> elements.element2.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor.series
InfoArray([[18., 19.],
           [20., 21.]])
>>> elements.element4.model.sequences.states.sp.series
InfoArray([[[74., 75., 76.],
            [77., 78., 79.]],

           [[80., 81., 82.],
            [83., 84., 85.]]])
log(sequence: IOSequence, infoarray: InfoArray | None = None) NetCDFVariableFlat | NetCDFVariableAgg[source]

Prepare a NetCDFVariableBase object suitable for the given IOSequence object, when necessary, and pass the given arguments to its log() method.

read() None[source]

Call method read() of all handled NetCDFVariableBase objects.

write() None[source]

Call method write() of all handled NetCDFVariableBase objects.

provide_jitaccess(deviceorder: Iterable[Node | Element]) Iterator[JITAccessHandler][source]

Allow method simulate() of class HydPy to read data from or write data to NetCDF files “just in time” during simulation runs.

We consider it unlikely users need ever to call the method provide_jitaccess() directly. See the documentation on class HydPy on applying it indirectly. However, the following explanations might give some additional insights into the options and limitations of the related functionalities.

You can only either read from or write to each NetCDF file. We think this should rarely be a limitation for the anticipated workflows. One particular situation where one could eventually try to read and write simultaneously is when trying to overwrite some of the available input data. The following example tries to read the input data for all “headwater” catchments from specific NetCDF files but defines zero input values for all “non-headwater” catchments and tries to write them into the same files:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_full_example_1
>>> prepare_full_example_1()
>>> from hydpy import HydPy, print_values, pub, TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     hp = HydPy("LahnH")
...     pub.timegrids = "1996-01-01", "1996-01-05", "1d"
...     hp.prepare_network()
...     hp.prepare_models()
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     headwaters = pub.selections["headwaters"].elements
...     nonheadwaters = pub.selections["nonheadwaters"].elements
...     headwaters.prepare_inputseries(allocate_ram=False, read_jit=True)
...     nonheadwaters.prepare_inputseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     for element in nonheadwaters:
...         for sequence in element.model.sequences.inputs:
...             sequence.series = 0.0
...     hp.simulate()  
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: While trying to prepare NetCDF files for reading or writing data "just in time" during the current simulation run, the following error occurred: For a specific NetCDF file, you can either read or write data during a simulation run but for file `` both is requested.

Clearly, each NetCDF file we want to read data from needs to span the current simulation period:

>>> with TestIO():
...     pub.timegrids.init.firstdate = "1990-01-01"
...     pub.timegrids.sim.firstdate = "1995-01-01"
...     hp.prepare_inputseries(allocate_ram=False, read_jit=True)
...     hp.simulate()  
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: While trying to prepare NetCDF files for reading or writing data "just in time" during the current simulation run, the following error occurred: The data of the NetCDF `` (Timegrid("1996-01-01 00:00:00", "2007-01-01 00:00:00", "1d")) does not correctly cover the current simulation period (Timegrid("1995-01-01 00:00:00", "1996-01-05 00:00:00", "1d")).

However, each NetCDF file selected for writing must also cover the complete initialisation period. If there is no adequately named NetCDF file, provide_jitaccess() creates a new one for the current initialisation period. If an adequately named file exists, provide_jitaccess() uses it without any attempt to extend it temporally or spatially. The following example shows the insertion of the output data of two subsequent simulation runs into the same NetCDF files:

>>> with TestIO():
...     pub.timegrids = "1996-01-01", "1996-01-05", "1d"
...     hp.prepare_inputseries(allocate_ram=False, read_jit=True)
...     hp.prepare_factorseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     pub.timegrids.sim.lastdate = "1996-01-03"
...     hp.simulate()
...     pub.timegrids.sim.firstdate = "1996-01-03"
...     pub.timegrids.sim.lastdate = "1996-01-05"
...     hp.simulate()
>>> print_values(hp.elements["land_dill"].model.sequences.factors.tmean.series)
-0.572053, -1.084746, -2.767055, -6.242055
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> filepath = "LahnH/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath, "r") as ncfile:
...     print_values(ncfile["factor_tmean"][:, 0])
-0.572053, -1.084746, -2.767055, -6.242055

Under particular circumstances, the data variable of a NetCDF file can be 3-dimensional. The documentation on function query_array() explains this in detail. The following example demonstrates that reading and writing such 3-dimensional variables “just in time” works correctly. Therefore, we add a realization dimension to the input file (part of the example project data) and the output file (written in the previous example) and use them for redefining their data variables with this additional dimension. As expected, the results are the same as in the previous example:

>>> with TestIO():
...     for name in ("input_t", "factor_tmean"):
...         filepath = f"LahnH/series/default/hland_v1_{name}.nc"
...         with netcdf4.Dataset(filepath, "r+") as ncfile:
...             ncfile.renameVariable(name, "old")
...             _ = ncfile.createDimension("realization", 1)
...             var = ncfile.createVariable(
...                 name, "f8", dimensions=("time", "realization", "stations"))
...             var[:] = ncfile["old"][:] if name == "input_t" else -999.0
...     pub.timegrids = "1996-01-01", "1996-01-05", "1d"
...     hp.simulate()
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath, "r") as ncfile:
...     print_values(ncfile["factor_tmean"][:, 0, 0])
-0.572053, -1.084746, -2.767055, -6.242055

If we try to write the output of a simulation run beyond the original initial initialisation period into the same files, provide_jitaccess() raises an equal error as above:

>>> with TestIO():
...     pub.timegrids = "1996-01-05", "1996-01-10", "1d"
...     hp.prepare_inputseries(allocate_ram=True, read_jit=False)
...     hp.prepare_factorseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.simulate()  
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: While trying to prepare NetCDF files for reading or writing data "just in time" during the current simulation run, the following error occurred: The data of the NetCDF `` (Timegrid("1996-01-01 00:00:00", "1996-01-05 00:00:00", "1d")) does not correctly cover the current simulation period (Timegrid("1996-01-05 00:00:00", "1996-01-10 00:00:00", "1d")).
>>> hp.prepare_factorseries(allocate_ram=False, write_jit=False)

Regarding the spatial dimension, things are similar. You can write data for different sequences in subsequent simulation runs, but you need to ensure all required data columns are available right from the start. Hence, relying on the automatic file generation of provide_jitaccess() fails in the following example:

>>> with TestIO():
...     pub.timegrids = "1996-01-01", "1996-01-05", "1d"
...     hp.prepare_inputseries(allocate_ram=False, read_jit=True)
...     headwaters.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.simulate()
...     nonheadwaters.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.simulate()  
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: While trying to prepare NetCDF files for reading or writing data "just in time" during the current simulation run, the following error occurred: No data for sequence `flux_pc` and (sub)device `land_lahn_2_0` in NetCDF file `` available.

One way to prepare complete NetCDF files that are HydPy compatible is to work with an ordinary NetCDF writer object via netcdfwriting():

>>> with TestIO(), pub.sequencemanager.filetype("nc"):
...     hp.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=False, write_jit=False)
...     hp.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=False)
...     with pub.sequencemanager.netcdfwriting():
...         hp.save_fluxseries()
...     headwaters.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     hp.simulate()
>>> for element in hp.elements.search_keywords("catchment"):
...     print_values(element.model.sequences.fluxes.qt.series)
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
20.58932, 8.66144, 7.281198, 6.402232
11.674045, 10.110371, 8.991987, 8.212314
>>> filepath_qt = "LahnH/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath_qt, "r") as ncfile:
...     for jdx in range(4):
...         print_values(ncfile["flux_qt"][:, jdx])
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
>>> with TestIO():
...     headwaters.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=False)
...     nonheadwaters.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     hp.simulate()
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath_qt, "r") as ncfile:  #
...         for jdx in range(4):
...             print_values(ncfile["flux_qt"][:, jdx])
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
20.58932, 8.66144, 7.281198, 6.402232
11.674045, 10.110371, 8.991987, 8.212314
>>> hp.prepare_fluxseries(allocate_ram=False, write_jit=False)

There should be no limitation for reading data “just in time” and using different deploymode options. For demonstration, we first calculate the time series of the Sim sequences of all nodes, assign them to the corresponding Obs sequences afterwards, and then start another simulation to (again) write both the simulated and the observed values to NetCDF files:

>>> with TestIO():
...     hp.prepare_simseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.prepare_obsseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=True)
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     hp.simulate()
...     for idx, node in enumerate(hp.nodes):
...         node.sequences.obs.series = node.sequences.sim.series
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     hp.simulate()
>>> for node in hp.nodes:
...     print_values(node.sequences.sim.series)
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
42.3697, 27.210443, 22.930066, 20.20133
54.043745, 37.320814, 31.922053, 28.413644
>>> for node in hp.nodes:
...     print_values(node.sequences.obs.series)
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
42.3697, 27.210443, 22.930066, 20.20133
54.043745, 37.320814, 31.922053, 28.413644
>>> filepath_sim = "LahnH/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath_sim, "r") as ncfile:
...     for jdx in range(4):
...         print_values(ncfile["sim_q"][:, jdx])
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
42.3697, 27.210443, 22.930066, 20.20133
54.043745, 37.320814, 31.922053, 28.413644
>>> filepath_obs = "LahnH/series/default/"
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset(filepath_obs, "r") as ncfile:
...     for jdx in range(4):
...         print_values(ncfile["obs_q"][:, jdx])
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
9.647824, 8.517795, 7.781311, 7.344944
42.3697, 27.210443, 22.930066, 20.20133
54.043745, 37.320814, 31.922053, 28.413644

Now we stop all sequences from writing to NetCDF files, remove the two headwater elements from the currently active selection, and start another simulation run. The time series of both headwater nodes are zero due to the missing inflow from their inlet headwater sub-catchments. The non-headwater nodes only receive inflow from the two non-headwater sub-catchments:

>>> with TestIO():
...     hp.prepare_simseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=False)
...     hp.prepare_obsseries(allocate_ram=True, write_jit=False)
...     hp.update_devices(nodes=hp.nodes, elements=hp.elements - headwaters)
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     hp.simulate()
>>> for node in hp.nodes:
...     print_values(node.sequences.sim.series)
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
30.58932, 8.66144, 7.281198, 6.402232
42.263365, 18.771811, 16.273185, 14.614546

Finally, we set the deploymode of the headwater nodes dill and lahn_1 to oldsim and obs, respectively, and read their previously written time series “just in time”. As expected, the values of the two non-headwater nodes are identical to those of our initial example:

>>> with TestIO():
...     hp.nodes["dill"].prepare_simseries(allocate_ram=True, read_jit=True)
...     hp.nodes["dill"].deploymode = "oldsim"
...     hp.nodes["lahn_1"].prepare_obsseries(allocate_ram=True, read_jit=True)
...     hp.nodes["lahn_1"].deploymode = "obs"
...     hp.load_conditions()
...     hp.simulate()
>>> for node in hp.nodes:
...     print_values(node.sequences.sim.series)
11.78038, 8.901179, 7.131072, 6.017787
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
42.3697, 27.210443, 22.930066, 20.20133
54.043745, 37.320814, 31.922053, 28.413644
property foldernames: Tuple[str, ...]

The names of all folders the sequences shall be read from or written to.

property filenames: Tuple[str, ...]

The names of all relevant NetCDFVariableBase objects.

property variablenames: Tuple[str, ...]

The names of all handled NetCDFVariableBase objects.

class hydpy.core.netcdftools.Subdevice2Index(dict_: Dict[str, int], name_sequence: str, name_ncfile: str)[source]

Bases: object

Return type of method query_subdevice2index().

dict_: Dict[str, int]
name_sequence: str
name_ncfile: str
get_index(name_subdevice: str) int[source]

Item access to the wrapped dict object with a specialised error message.

class hydpy.core.netcdftools.NetCDFVariableBase(name: str, filepath: str)[source]

Bases: ABC

Base class for NetCDFVariableAgg and NetCDFVariableFlat.

name: str

Name of the NetCDF variable within the NetCDF file.

filepath: str

Path to the relevant NetCDF file.

log(sequence: IOSequence, infoarray: InfoArray | None) None[source]

Log the given IOSequence object either for reading or writing data.

When writing data, the second argument should be an InfoArray. When reading data, this argument is irrelevant. Pass None.

For writing, the infoarray argument allows for passing alternative data that replaces the original series of the IOSequence object, which helps write modified (e.g. spatially averaged) time series.

The logged time-series data is available via attribute access:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableBase
>>> from hydpy import make_abc_testable
>>> NCVar = make_abc_testable(NetCDFVariableBase)
>>> ncvar = NCVar("flux_nkor", "")
>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> nkor = elements.element1.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
>>> ncvar.log(nkor, nkor.series)
>>> "element1" in dir(ncvar)
>>> ncvar.element1.sequence is nkor
>>> "element2" in dir(ncvar)
>>> ncvar.element2
Traceback (most recent call last):
AttributeError: The NetCDFVariable object `flux_nkor` does neither handle time series data under the (sub)device name `element2` nor does it define a member named `element2`.
abstract property subdevicenames: Tuple[str, ...]

The names of all relevant (sub)devices.

abstract property array: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

A ndarray containing the values of all logged sequences.

insert_subdevices(ncfile: Dataset) None[source]

Insert a variable of the names of the (sub)devices of the logged sequences into the given NetCDF file.

We prepare a NetCDFVariableBase subclass with fixed (sub)device names:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableBase, chars2str
>>> from hydpy import make_abc_testable, TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> Var = make_abc_testable(NetCDFVariableBase)
>>> Var.subdevicenames = "element1", "element_2", "element_ß"

The first dimension of the added variable corresponds to the number of (sub)devices, and the second dimension to the number of characters of the longest (sub)device name:

>>> var = Var("var", "")
>>> with TestIO():
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "w")
>>> var.insert_subdevices(ncfile)
>>> ncfile["station_id"].dimensions
('stations', 'char_leng_name')
>>> ncfile["station_id"].shape
(3, 10)
>>> chars2str(ncfile["station_id"][:].data)
['element1', 'element_2', 'element_ß']
>>> ncfile.close()
query_subdevices(ncfile: Dataset) List[str][source]

Query the names of the (sub)devices of the logged sequences from the given NetCDF file.

We apply the function query_subdevices() on an empty NetCDF file. The error message shows that the method tries to query the (sub)device names:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableBase
>>> from hydpy import make_abc_testable, TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> Var = make_abc_testable(NetCDFVariableBase)
>>> Var.subdevicenames = "element1", "element_2"
>>> var = Var("flux_prec", "")
>>> with TestIO():
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "w")
>>> var.query_subdevices(ncfile)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: NetCDF file `` does neither contain a variable named `flux_prec_station_id` nor `station_id` for defining the coordinate locations of variable `flux_prec`.

After inserting the (sub)device names, they can be queried and returned:

>>> var.insert_subdevices(ncfile)
>>> Var("flux_prec", "").query_subdevices(ncfile)
['element1', 'element_2']
>>> ncfile.close()
query_subdevice2index(ncfile: Dataset) Subdevice2Index[source]

Return a Subdevice2Index object that maps the (sub)device names to their position within the given NetCDF file.

Method query_subdevice2index() relies on query_subdevices(). The returned Subdevice2Index object remembers the NetCDF file from which the (sub)device names stem, allowing for clear error messages:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableBase, str2chars
>>> from hydpy import make_abc_testable, TestIO
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import netcdf4
>>> with TestIO():
...     ncfile = netcdf4.Dataset("", "w")
>>> Var = make_abc_testable(NetCDFVariableBase)
>>> Var.subdevicenames = ["element3", "element1", "element1_1", "element2"]
>>> var = Var("flux_prec", "")
>>> var.insert_subdevices(ncfile)
>>> subdevice2index = var.query_subdevice2index(ncfile)
>>> subdevice2index.get_index("element1_1")
>>> subdevice2index.get_index("element3")
>>> subdevice2index.get_index("element5")
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: No data for sequence `flux_prec` and (sub)device `element5` in NetCDF file `` available.

Additionally, query_subdevice2index() checks for duplicates:

>>> ncfile["station_id"][:] = str2chars(
...     ["element3", "element1", "element1_1", "element1"])
>>> var.query_subdevice2index(ncfile)
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: The NetCDF file `` contains duplicate (sub)device names for variable `flux_prec` (the first found duplicate is `element1`).
>>> ncfile.close()
abstract read() None[source]

Read the data from a NetCDF file.

Raise a RuntimeError if the relevant NetCDFVariableBase subclass does not support reading data.

write() None[source]

Write the data to a new NetCDF file.

See the general documentation on class NetCDFVariableFlat for some examples.

class hydpy.core.netcdftools.NetCDFVariableAgg(name: str, filepath: str)[source]

Bases: NetCDFVariableBase

Relates objects of a specific IOSequence subclass with a single NetCDF variable for writing aggregated time series data.

Essentially, class NetCDFVariableAgg is very similar to class NetCDFVariableFlat but a little bit simpler, as it cannot read data from NetCDF files and always writes one column of data for each logged IOSequence object. The following examples are a selection of the more thoroughly explained examples of the documentation on class NetCDFVariableFlat:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, (element1, element2, element3, element4) = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableAgg
>>> var_nied = NetCDFVariableAgg("input_nied_mean", "")
>>> var_nkor = NetCDFVariableAgg("flux_nkor_mean", "")
>>> var_sp = NetCDFVariableAgg("state_sp_mean", "")
>>> for element in (element1, element2):
...     nied = element.model.sequences.inputs.nied
...     var_nied.log(nied, nied.average_series())
...     nkor = element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
...     var_nkor.log(nkor, nkor.average_series())
>>> sp = element4.model.sequences.states.sp
>>> var_sp.log(sp, sp.average_series())
>>> from hydpy import pub, TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     var_nied.write()
...     var_nkor.write()
...     var_sp.write()

As NetCDFVariableAgg provides no reading functionality, we show that the aggregated values are readily available using the external NetCDF4 library:

>>> import numpy
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset("", "r") as ncfile:
...     numpy.array(ncfile["input_nied_mean"][:])
array([[0., 4.],
       [1., 5.],
       [2., 6.],
       [3., 7.]])
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset("", "r") as ncfile:
...     numpy.array(ncfile["flux_nkor_mean"][:])
array([[12. , 16.5],
       [13. , 18.5],
       [14. , 20.5],
       [15. , 22.5]])
>>> with TestIO(), netcdf4.Dataset("", "r") as ncfile:
...     numpy.array(ncfile["state_sp_mean"][:])
property shape: Tuple[int, int]

Required shape of array.

The first axis corresponds to the number of timesteps and the second axis to the number of devices. We show this for the 1-dimensional input sequence NKor:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableAgg
>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableAgg("flux_nkor", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         ncvar.log(element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor, None)
>>> ncvar.shape
(4, 3)

There is no difference for 2-dimensional sequences as aggregating their time series also results in 1-dimensional data:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableAgg("state_sp", "")
>>> ncvar.log(elements.element4.model.sequences.states.sp, None)
>>> ncvar.shape
(4, 1)
property array: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

The aggregated data of all logged IOSequence objects contained in a single ndarray object.

The documentation on shape explains the structure of array. This first example confirms that the first axis corresponds to time while the second corresponds to the location:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableAgg
>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableAgg("flux_nkor", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         nkor = element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
...         ncvar.log(nkor, nkor.average_series())
>>> ncvar.array
array([[12. , 16.5, 25. ],
       [13. , 18.5, 28. ],
       [14. , 20.5, 31. ],
       [15. , 22.5, 34. ]])

There is no difference for 2-dimensional sequences as aggregating their time series also results in 1-dimensional data:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableAgg("state_sp", "")
>>> sp = elements.element4.model.sequences.states.sp
>>> ncvar.log(sp, sp.average_series())
>>> ncvar.array
property subdevicenames: Tuple[str, ...]

The names of all relevant devices.

read() None[source]

Raise a RuntimeError in any case.

This method always raises the following exception to tell users why implementing a reading functionality is not possible:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableAgg
>>> NetCDFVariableAgg("flux_nkor", "").read()
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: The process of aggregating values (of sequence `flux_nkor` and other sequences as well) is not invertible.
class hydpy.core.netcdftools.NetCDFVariableFlat(name: str, filepath: str)[source]

Bases: NetCDFVariableBase

Relates objects of a specific IOSequence subclass with a single NetCDF variable for reading or writing their complete time-series data.

(1) We prepare some devices handling some sequences by applying the function prepare_io_example_1(). We limit our attention to the returned elements, which handle the more diverse sequences:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, (element1, element2, element3, element4) = prepare_io_example_1()

(2) We define three NetCDFVariableFlat instances with different array structures and log the Nied and NKor sequences of the first two elements and SP of the fourth element:

>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableFlat
>>> var_nied = NetCDFVariableFlat("input_nied", "")
>>> var_nkor = NetCDFVariableFlat("flux_nkor", "")
>>> var_sp = NetCDFVariableFlat("state_sp", "")
>>> for element in (element1, element2):
...     seqs = element.model.sequences
...     var_nied.log(seqs.inputs.nied, seqs.inputs.nied.series)
...     var_nkor.log(seqs.fluxes.nkor, seqs.fluxes.nkor.series)
>>> sp = element4.model.sequences.states.sp
>>> var_sp.log(sp, sp.series)
  1. We write the data of all logged sequences to separate NetCDF files:

>>> from hydpy import TestIO
>>> with TestIO():
...     var_nied.write()
...     var_nkor.write()
...     var_sp.write()

(4) We set all values of the selected sequences to -777 and check that they are different from the original values available via testarray attribute:

>>> seq1 = element1.model.sequences.inputs.nied
>>> seq2 = element2.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
>>> seq3 = element4.model.sequences.states.sp
>>> import numpy
>>> for seq in (seq1, seq2, seq3):
...     seq.series = -777.0
...     print(numpy.any(seq.series == seq.testarray))

(5) Again, we prepare three NetCDFVariableFlat instances and log the same sequences as above, open the existing NetCDF file for reading, read its data, and confirm that it has been correctly passed to the test sequences:

>>> nied1 = NetCDFVariableFlat("input_nied", "")
>>> nkor1 = NetCDFVariableFlat("flux_nkor", "")
>>> sp4 = NetCDFVariableFlat("state_sp", "")
>>> for element in (element1, element2):
...     sequences = element.model.sequences
...     nied1.log(sequences.inputs.nied, None)
...     nkor1.log(sequences.fluxes.nkor, None)
>>> sp4.log(sp, None)
>>> with TestIO():
>>> for seq in (seq1, seq2, seq3):
...     print(numpy.all(seq.series == seq.testarray))

(6) Trying to read data not stored properly results in error messages like the following:

>>> nied1.log(element3.model.sequences.inputs.nied, None)
>>> with TestIO():
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: While trying to read data from NetCDF file ``, the following error occurred: No data for sequence `input_nied` and (sub)device `element3` in NetCDF file `` available.
property shape: Tuple[int, int]

Required shape of array.

For 0-dimensional sequences like Nied, the first axis corresponds to the number of timesteps and the second axis to the number of devices:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableFlat
>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("input_nied", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         ncvar.log(element.model.sequences.inputs.nied, None)
>>> ncvar.shape
(4, 3)

For 1-dimensional sequences as NKor, the second axis corresponds to “subdevices”. Here, these “subdevices” are hydrological response units of different elements. The model instances of the three elements define one, two, and three response units, respectively, making up a sum of six subdevices:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("flux_nkor", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         ncvar.log(element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor, None)
>>> ncvar.shape
(4, 6)

The above assertions also hold for 2-dimensional sequences like SP. In this specific case, each “subdevice” corresponds to a single snow class (one element times three zones times two snow classes makes six subdevices):

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("state_sp", "")
>>> ncvar.log(elements.element4.model.sequences.states.sp, None)
>>> ncvar.shape
(4, 6)
property array: ndarray[Any, dtype[float64]]

The series data of all logged IOSequence objects contained in one single ndarray object.

The documentation on shape explains the structure of array. The first example confirms that the first axis corresponds to time while the second corresponds to the location:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableFlat
>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("input_nied", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         nied1 = element.model.sequences.inputs.nied
...         ncvar.log(nied1, nied1.series)
>>> ncvar.array
array([[ 0.,  4.,  8.],
       [ 1.,  5.,  9.],
       [ 2.,  6., 10.],
       [ 3.,  7., 11.]])

The flattening of higher dimensional sequences spreads the time-series of individual “subdevices” over the array’s columns. For the 1-dimensional sequence NKor, we find the time-series of both zones of the second element in columns two and three:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("flux_nkor", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         nkor = element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
...         ncvar.log(nkor, nkor.series)
>>> ncvar.array[:, 1:3]
array([[16., 17.],
       [18., 19.],
       [20., 21.],
       [22., 23.]])

The above assertions also hold for 2-dimensional sequences like SP. In this specific case, each column contains the series of a single snow class:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("state_sp", "")
>>> sp = elements.element4.model.sequences.states.sp
>>> ncvar.log(sp, sp.series)
>>> ncvar.array
array([[68., 69., 70., 71., 72., 73.],
       [74., 75., 76., 77., 78., 79.],
       [80., 81., 82., 83., 84., 85.],
       [86., 87., 88., 89., 90., 91.]])
property subdevicenames: Tuple[str, ...]

The names of the (sub)devices.

Property subdevicenames clarifies which column of array contains the series of which (sub)device. For 0-dimensional series like Nied, we require no subdivision. Hence, it returns the original device names:

>>> from hydpy.examples import prepare_io_example_1
>>> nodes, elements = prepare_io_example_1()
>>> from hydpy.core.netcdftools import NetCDFVariableFlat
>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("input_nied", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         nied = element.model.sequences.inputs.nied
...         ncvar.log(nied, nied.series)
>>> ncvar.subdevicenames
('element1', 'element2', 'element3')

For 1-dimensional sequences like NKor, a suffix defines the index of the respective subdevice. For example, the third column of array contains the series of the first hydrological response unit of the second element:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("flux_nkor", "")
>>> for element in elements:
...     if"lland"):
...         nkor = element.model.sequences.fluxes.nkor
...         ncvar.log(nkor, nkor.series)
>>> ncvar.subdevicenames
('element1_0', 'element2_0', 'element2_1', 'element3_0', 'element3_1', 'element3_2')

2-dimensional sequences like SP require an additional suffix:

>>> ncvar = NetCDFVariableFlat("state_sp", "")
>>> sp = elements.element4.model.sequences.states.sp
>>> ncvar.log(sp, sp.series)
>>> ncvar.subdevicenames
('element4_0_0', 'element4_0_1', 'element4_0_2', 'element4_1_0', 'element4_1_1', 'element4_1_2')
read() None[source]

Read the data from the relevant NetCDF file.

See the general documentation on class NetCDFVariableFlat for some examples.