Source code for hydpy.models.dam.dam_solver

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring

# import...
# ...from site-packages
import numpy

# ...from HydPy
from hydpy.core import parametertools
from hydpy.models.dam import dam_control

[docs] class AbsErrorMax(parametertools.SolverParameter): """Absolute numerical error tolerance [m³/s].""" NDIM = 0 TYPE = float TIME = None SPAN = (0.0, None) INIT = 0.0001 CONTROLPARAMETERS = (dam_control.CatchmentArea,)
[docs] def modify_init(self) -> float: r"""Adjust and return the value of class constant `INIT`. Note that the default initial value 0.0001 refers to mm/T. Hence the actual default initial value in m³/s is: :math:`AbsErrorMax = 0.0001 \cdot CatchmentArea \cdot 1000 / Seconds` >>> from hydpy.models.dam import * >>> simulationstep("1h") >>> parameterstep("1d") >>> solver.abserrormax.INIT 0.0001 >>> catchmentarea(2.0) >>> derived.seconds.update() >>> from hydpy import round_ >>> round_(solver.abserrormax.modify_init()) 0.000056 """ pars = catchmentarea = pars.control.catchmentarea seconds = pars.derived.seconds return self.INIT * catchmentarea * 1000.0 / seconds
[docs] class RelErrorMax(parametertools.SolverParameter): """Relative numerical error tolerance [1/T].""" NDIM = 0 TYPE = float TIME = None SPAN = (0.0, None) INIT = numpy.nan
[docs] class RelDTMin(parametertools.SolverParameter): """Smallest relative integration time step size allowed [-].""" NDIM = 0 TYPE = float TIME = None SPAN = (0.0, 1.0) INIT = 0.001
[docs] class RelDTMax(parametertools.SolverParameter): """Largest relative integration time step size allowed [-].""" NDIM = 0 TYPE = float TIME = None SPAN = (0.0, 1.0) INIT = 1.0