
This module defines interfaces for calculating discharge based on flow formulas or rating curves.

Module dischargeinterfaces implements the following members:

  • DischargeModel_V1 Simple interface for calculating discharge in m³/s based on the current water depth.

  • DischargeModel_V2 Simple interface for calculating discharge in mm/T based on the current water depth.

class hydpy.interfaces.dischargeinterfaces.DischargeModel_V1[source]

Bases: SubmodelInterface

Simple interface for calculating discharge in m³/s based on the current water depth.

typeid: ClassVar[Literal[1]] = 1

Type identifier for DischargeModel_V1 submodels.

prepare_channeldepth(channeldepth: float) None[source]

Set the channel depth in m.

prepare_tolerance(tolerance: float) None[source]

Set the water depth-related smoothing parameter in m.

calculate_discharge(waterdepth: float) float[source]

Calculate the discharge based on the water depth given in m and return it in m³/s.

class hydpy.interfaces.dischargeinterfaces.DischargeModel_V2[source]

Bases: SubmodelInterface

Simple interface for calculating discharge in mm/T based on the current water depth.

typeid: ClassVar[Literal[2]] = 2

Type identifier for DischargeModel_V2 submodels.

prepare_channeldepth(channeldepth: float) None[source]

Set the channel depth in m.

prepare_tolerance(tolerance: float) None[source]

Set the water depth-related smoothing parameter in m.

calculate_discharge(waterdepth: float) float[source]

Calculate the discharge based on the water depth given in m and return it in mm/T.