HydPy-GA-GARTO-Sub1 (submodel for calculating the Green-Ampt / Talbot-Ogden infiltration with redistribution)

ga_garto_submodel1 satisfies the SoilModel_V1 interface and works like the stand-alone model ga_garto, although slight deviations are possible depending on how the main model calls the different interface methods. ga_garto_submodel1 is the first submodel implemented into the HydPy framework. Hence, we discussed its development extensively in issue 91. For concrete application examples and further information, see the documentation of method Calc_BoWa_SoilModel_V1 and the integration tests acre (GARTO) of application model lland_dd and acre (GARTO) of application model lland_knauf.

class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.Model[source]

Bases: Base_SoilModel_V1

HydPy-GA-GARTO-Sub1 (submodel for calculating the Green-Ampt / Talbot-Ogden infiltration with redistribution).

The following interface methods are available to main models using the defined model as a submodel:
The following “additional methods” might be called by one or more of the other methods or are meant to be directly called by the user:
DOCNAME: DocName = ('GA-GARTO-Sub1', 'submodel for calculating the Green-Ampt / Talbot-Ogden infiltration with redistribution')
REUSABLE_METHODS: ClassVar[tuple[type[ReusableMethod], ...]] = ()
cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None
parameters: parametertools.Parameters
sequences: sequencetools.Sequences
masks: masktools.Masks
preparemethod2arguments: dict[str, tuple[tuple[Any, ...], dict[str, Any]]]
class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.AideSequences(master: Sequences, cls_fastaccess: type[TypeFastAccess_co] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: AideSequences

Aide sequences of model ga_garto_submodel1.

The following classes are selected:
class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.ControlParameters(master: Parameters, cls_fastaccess: type[FastAccessParameter] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: SubParameters

Control parameters of model ga_garto_submodel1.

The following classes are selected:
class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.DerivedParameters(master: Parameters, cls_fastaccess: type[FastAccessParameter] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: SubParameters

Derived parameters of model ga_garto_submodel1.

The following classes are selected:
class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.FluxSequences(master: Sequences, cls_fastaccess: type[TypeFastAccess_co] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: FluxSequences

Flux sequences of model ga_garto_submodel1.

The following classes are selected:
  • SoilWaterSupply() Water supply to the soil’s body (e.g., capillary rise) [mm/T].

  • Demand() (Potential) water withdrawal from the soil’s surface and body [mm/T].

  • Infiltration() Infiltration through the soil’s surface [mm/T].

  • Percolation() Percolation through the soil’s bottom [mm/T].

  • SoilWaterAddition() Actual addition of soil water due to processes like capillary rise [mm/T].

  • Withdrawal() Withdrawal from the soil’s surface or body (e.g. due to evaporation) [mm/T].

  • SurfaceRunoff() Surface runoff [mm/T].

class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.LogSequences(master: Sequences, cls_fastaccess: type[TypeFastAccess_co] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: LogSequences

Log sequences of model ga_garto_submodel1.

The following classes are selected:
class hydpy.models.ga_garto_submodel1.StateSequences(master: Sequences, cls_fastaccess: type[TypeFastAccess_co] | None = None, cymodel: CyModelProtocol | None = None)

Bases: StateSequences

State sequences of model ga_garto_submodel1.

The following classes are selected:
  • Moisture() The relative soil moisture of each bin (within the wetting front) [-].

  • FrontDepth() The depth of the wetting front in each bin [-].