
This module implements features for defining local or global HydPy options.

Module optiontools implements the following members:

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionContextBase(value: TypeOption, set_value: Callable[[TypeOption | None], None] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Generic[TypeOption]

Base class for defining context managers required for the different OptionPropertyBase subclasses.

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionContextBool(value: bool, set_value: Callable[[bool], None] | None = None)[source]

Bases: int, OptionContextBase[bool]

Context manager required by OptionPropertyBool.

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionContextInt(value: int, set_value: Callable[[int], None] | None = None)[source]

Bases: int, OptionContextBase[int]

Context manager required by OptionPropertyInt.

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionContextStr(value: TypeOption, set_value: Callable[[TypeOption], None] | None = None)[source]

Bases: str, OptionContextBase[TypeOption]

Context manager required by OptionPropertyStr.

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionContextPeriod(value: timetools.PeriodConstrArg, set_value: Callable[[timetools.PeriodConstrArg | None], None] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Period, OptionContextBase[Period]

Context manager required by OptionPropertyPeriod.

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertyBase(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: BaseDescriptor, Generic[TypeOption, TypeOptionContextBase]

Base class for defining descriptors that work like regular property instances and support the with statement to change the property’s value temporarily.

class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertyBool(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[bool, OptionContextBool]

Descriptor for defining bool-like options.

Framework developers should implement bool-like options as follows:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertyBool
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertyBool(True, "x")

The given string serves as documentation:

>>> T.v.__doc__

Users can change the current value “normally” by assignments:

>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v
>>> t.v = False
>>> assert not t.v

Deleting restores the default value:

>>> del t.v
>>> assert t.v

In most cases, the preferred way is to change options “temporarily” for a specific code block introduced by the with statement:

>>> with t.v(False):
...     assert not t.v
...     with t.v(True):
...         assert t.v
...         with t.v():
...             assert t.v
...             with t.v(None):
...                 assert t.v
...                 with t.v(False):
...                     assert not t.v
...                 with t.v():
...                     t.v = False
...                     assert not t.v
...                 assert t.v
...             assert t.v
...         assert t.v
...     assert not t.v
>>> assert t.v
>>> with t.v(False):
...     assert not t.v
...     raise RuntimeError
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> assert t.v
class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertyInt(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[int, OptionContextInt]

Descriptor for defining integer-like options.

Framework developers should implement integer-like options as follows:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertyInt
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertyInt(1, "x")

The given string serves as documentation:

>>> T.v.__doc__

Users can change the current value “normally” by assignments:

>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v == 1
>>> t.v = 2
>>> assert t.v == 2

Deleting restores the default value:

>>> del t.v
>>> assert t.v == 1

In most cases, the prefered way is to change options “temporarily” for a specific code block introduced by the with statement:

>>> with t.v(2):
...     assert t.v == 2
...     with t.v(3):
...         assert t.v == 3
...         with t.v():
...             assert t.v == 3
...             with t.v(None):
...                 assert t.v == 3
...                 with t.v(1):
...                     assert t.v == 1
...                 with t.v():
...                     t.v = 4
...                     assert t.v == 4
...                 assert t.v == 3
...             assert t.v == 3
...         assert t.v == 3
...     assert t.v == 2
>>> assert t.v == 1
>>> with t.v(2):
...     assert t.v == 2
...     raise RuntimeError
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> assert t.v == 1
class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertyStr(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[str, OptionContextStr]

Descriptor for defining string-like options.

Framework developers should implement string-like options as follows:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertyStr
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertyStr("1", "x")

The given string serves as documentation:

>>> T.v.__doc__

Users can change the current value “normally” by assignments:

>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v == "1"
>>> t.v = "2"
>>> assert t.v == "2"

Deleting restores the default value:

>>> del t.v
>>> assert t.v == "1"

In most cases, the prefered way is to change options “temporarily” for a specific code block introduced by the with statement:

>>> with t.v("2"):
...     assert t.v == "2"
...     with t.v("3"):
...         assert t.v == "3"
...         with t.v():
...             assert t.v == "3"
...             with t.v(None):
...                 assert t.v == "3"
...                 with t.v("1"):
...                     assert t.v == "1"
...                 with t.v():
...                     t.v = "4"
...                     assert t.v == "4"
...                 assert t.v == "3"
...             assert t.v == "3"
...         assert t.v == "3"
...     assert t.v == "2"
>>> assert t.v == "1"
>>> with t.v("2"):
...     assert t.v == "2"
...     raise RuntimeError
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> assert t.v == "1"
class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertyPeriod(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[Period, OptionContextPeriod]

Descriptor for defining options of type Period.

Framework or model developers should implement options of type Period as follows:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertyPeriod
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertyPeriod("1d", "x")

The given string serves as documentation:

>>> T.v.__doc__

Users can change the current value “normally” by assignments (note the automatic type conversion):

>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v == "1d"
>>> t.v = "2d"
>>> from hydpy import Period
>>> assert t.v == Period("2d")

Deleting restores the default value:

>>> del t.v
>>> assert t.v == "1d"

In most cases, the prefered way is to change options “temporarily” for a specific code block introduced by the with statement:

>>> with t.v("2d"):
...     assert t.v == "2d"
...     with t.v("3d"):
...         assert t.v == "3d"
...         with t.v():
...             assert t.v == "3d"
...             with t.v(None):
...                 assert t.v == "3d"
...                 with t.v("1d"):
...                     assert t.v == "1d"
...                 with t.v():
...                     t.v = "4d"
...                     assert t.v == "4d"
...                 assert t.v == "3d"
...             assert t.v == "3d"
...         assert t.v == "3d"
...     assert t.v == "2d"
>>> assert t.v == "1d"
>>> with t.v("2d"):
...     assert t.v == "2d"
...     raise RuntimeError
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> assert t.v == "1d"
class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertySeriesFileType(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[Literal[‘npy’, ‘asc’, ‘nc’], OptionContextStr[Literal[‘npy’, ‘asc’, ‘nc’]]]

Descriptor for defining options of type SeriesFileType.

HydPy currently supports a simple text format (asc), the numpy binary format (npy) and NetCDF files (nc). Options based on OptionPropertySeriesFileType automatically check if the given string is a supported file-ending and raise errors if not:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertySeriesFileType
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertySeriesFileType("asc", "x")
>>> T.v.__doc__
>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v == "asc"
>>> t.v = "abc"
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The given sequence file type `abc` is not implemented.  Please choose one of the following file types: npy, asc, and nc.
>>> assert t.v == "asc"
>>> t.v = "npy"
>>> assert t.v == "npy"
>>> t.v = "nc"
>>> assert t.v == "nc"
>>> t.v = "asc"
>>> assert t.v == "asc"
>>> with t.v("abc"):
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The given sequence file type `abc` is not implemented.  Please choose one of the following file types: npy, asc, and nc.
>>> assert t.v == "asc"
>>> with t.v("npy"):
...     assert t.v == "npy"
...     with t.v("nc"):
...         assert t.v == "nc"
...         with t.v():
...             assert t.v == "nc"
...         with t.v(None):
...             assert t.v == "nc"
...     assert t.v == "npy"
>>> assert t.v == "asc"
class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertySeriesAggregation(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[Literal[‘none’, ‘mean’], OptionContextStr[Literal[‘none’, ‘mean’]]]

Descriptor for defining options of type SeriesAggregationType.

The only currently supported aggregation is averaging (mean). Use none to avoid any aggregation. Options based on OptionPropertySeriesAggregation automatically check if the given string meets one of these modes and raise errors if not:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertySeriesAggregation
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertySeriesAggregation("none", "x")
>>> T.v.__doc__
>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v == "none"
>>> t.v = "sum"
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The given aggregation mode `sum` is not implemented.  Please choose one of the following modes: none and mean.
>>> assert t.v == "none"
>>> t.v = "mean"
>>> assert t.v == "mean"
>>> t.v = "none"
>>> assert t.v == "none"
>>> with t.v("sum"):
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The given aggregation mode `sum` is not implemented.  Please choose one of the following modes: none and mean.
>>> assert t.v == "none"
>>> with t.v("mean"):
...     assert t.v == "mean"
...     with t.v():
...         assert t.v == "mean"
...     with t.v(None):
...         assert t.v == "mean"
...     assert t.v == "mean"
>>> assert t.v == "none"
class hydpy.core.optiontools.OptionPropertySeriesConvention(default: TypeOption, doc: str)[source]

Bases: OptionPropertyBase[Literal[‘model-specific’, ‘HydPy’], OptionContextStr[Literal[‘model-specific’, ‘HydPy’]]]

Descriptor for defining options of type SeriesConventionType.

HydPy currently follows two naming conventions when reading input time series. The original convention is to rely on the model-specific sequence names in lowercase letters (“model-specific”). The more convenient convention is to rely on the standard names defined by the enum StandardInputNames (“HydPy”). We will likely support more official naming conventions later and eventually allow writing time series following other conventions than the “model-specific” one:

>>> from hydpy.core.optiontools import OptionPropertySeriesConvention
>>> class T:
...     v = OptionPropertySeriesConvention("model-specific", "x")
>>> T.v.__doc__
>>> t = T()
>>> assert t.v == "model-specific"
>>> t.v = "WMO"
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The given time series naming convention `WMO` is not implemented.  Please choose one of the following modes: model-specific and HydPy.
>>> assert t.v == "model-specific"
>>> t.v = "HydPy"
>>> assert t.v == "HydPy"
>>> t.v = "model-specific"
>>> assert t.v == "model-specific"
>>> with t.v("WMO"):
...     pass
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: The given time series naming convention `WMO` is not implemented.  Please choose one of the following modes: model-specific and HydPy.
>>> assert t.v == "model-specific"
>>> with t.v("HydPy"):
...     assert t.v == "HydPy"
...     with t.v():
...         assert t.v == "HydPy"
...     with t.v(None):
...         assert t.v == "HydPy"
...     assert t.v == "HydPy"
>>> assert t.v == "model-specific"
class hydpy.core.optiontools.Options[source]

Bases: object

Singleton class for the general options available in the global pub module.

Most options are simple bool-like flags.

You can change all options in two ways. First, using the with statement makes sure the change is reverted after leaving the corresponding code block (even if an error occurs):

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> pub.options.printprogress = 0
>>> pub.options.printprogress
>>> with pub.options.printprogress(True):
...     print(pub.options.printprogress)
>>> pub.options.printprogress

Alternatively, you can change all options via simple assignments:

>>> pub.options.printprogress = True
>>> assert pub.options.printprogress

But then you might have to keep in mind to undo the change later:

>>> assert pub.options.printprogress
>>> pub.options.printprogress = False
>>> assert not pub.options.printprogress

When using the with statement, you can pass nothing or None, which does not change the original setting and resets it after leaving the with block:

>>> with pub.options.printprogress(None):
...     assert not pub.options.printprogress
...     pub.options.printprogress = True
...     assert pub.options.printprogress
>>> assert not pub.options.printprogress

The delete statement restores the respective default setting:

>>> del pub.options.printprogress
>>> assert pub.options.printprogress
>>> pub.options.printprogress = False

A bool-like flag for raising an error when loading an input time series that does not cover the whole initialisation period or contains nan values.

Defaults to true:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.checkseries
>>> del pub.options.checkseries
>>> assert pub.options.checkseries

The maximum number of collection members shown in string representations before and behind ellipsis points.

Ellipsis points serve to shorten the string representations of iterable HydPy objects that contain many entries. Set this option to -999 to rely on the default values of the respective iterable objects or zero to avoid any ellipsis points. -999 is the default value, but zero is the preferred value during testing:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.ellipsis == 0
>>> del pub.options.ellipsis
>>> assert pub.options.ellipsis == -999

The actual parameter time step size. Change it by passing a Period object or any valid Period constructor argument.

Defaults to one day:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.parameterstep == "1d"
>>> del pub.options.parameterstep
>>> assert pub.options.parameterstep == "1d"

A bool-like flag for printing information about the progress of some processes to the standard output.

Defaults usually to true but during test to false:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert not pub.options.printprogress
>>> del pub.options.printprogress
>>> assert pub.options.printprogress

The maximum number of decimal places for floating point numbers that are part of HydPy’s string representations (see function repr_).

-1 means printing with the highest available precision. Defaults usually to -1 but during testing to 6:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.reprdigits == 6   
>>> del pub.options.reprdigits
>>> assert pub.options.reprdigits == -1

The actual simulation time step size.

HydPy does not define a default simulation step, which is indicated by an empty Period object).

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> pub.options.simulationstep

Change it by passing a Period object or any valid Period constructor argument, but note that you cannot manually define the simulationstep whenever it is already available via attribute stepsize of the global Timegrids object in module pub (pub.timegrids):

>>> pub.options.simulationstep = "1h"
>>> pub.options.simulationstep
>>> pub.timegrids = "2000-01-01", "2001-01-01", "1d"
>>> pub.options.simulationstep
>>> pub.options.simulationstep = "1s"
>>> pub.options.simulationstep
>>> del pub.timegrids
>>> pub.options.simulationstep
>>> del pub.options.simulationstep
>>> pub.options.simulationstep

A bool-like flag telling if assigning interval data (like hourly precipitation) to single time points relies on the start (True, default) or the end (False) of the respective interval.

HydPy-internally, we usually prevent such potentially problematic assignments by using Timegrid objects that define grids of intervals instead of time points. However, exceptions cannot be avoided, such as when reading or writing NetCDF files.

Defaults to true:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.timestampleft
>>> del pub.options.timestampleft
>>> assert pub.options.timestampleft

A bool-like flag for enabling/disabling function trim(). Set it to False only for good reasons.

Defaults to true:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.trimvariables
>>> del pub.options.trimvariables
>>> assert pub.options.trimvariables

A bool-like flag for applying cythonized models, which are much faster than pure Python models.

The benefit of using pure Python models is they simplify debugging a lot. Hence, setting this option to false makes sense when implementing a new model or when trying to discover why a model does not work as expected.

Defaults to true, but note that all tests work with this flag being enabled and disabled.

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> del pub.options.usecython
>>> assert pub.options.usecython

A bool-like flag for initialising parameters with standard values.

Defaults to false:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert not pub.options.usedefaultvalues
>>> del pub.options.usedefaultvalues
>>> assert not pub.options.usedefaultvalues

Longitude of the centre of the local time zone (see option utcoffset).

Defaults to 15, which corresponds to the central meridian of UTC+01:00:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.utclongitude == 15
>>> del pub.options.utclongitude
>>> assert pub.options.utclongitude == 15

Local time offset from UTC in minutes (see option utclongitude.

Defaults to 60, which corresponds to UTC+01:00.

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.utcoffset == 60
>>> del pub.options.utcoffset
>>> assert pub.options.utcoffset == 60

A bool-like flag for only raising a warning instead of an exception when a necessary control file is missing.

Defaults to false:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert not pub.options.warnmissingcontrolfile
>>> del pub.options.warnmissingcontrolfile
>>> assert not pub.options.warnmissingcontrolfile

A bool-like flag for raising a warning when a requested observation sequence demanded by a node instance is missing.

Defaults to true:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.warnmissingobsfile
>>> del pub.options.warnmissingobsfile
>>> assert pub.options.warnmissingobsfile

A bool-like flag for raising a warning when a requested simulation sequence demanded by a node instance is missing.

Defaults to true:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert pub.options.warnmissingsimfile
>>> del pub.options.warnmissingsimfile
>>> assert pub.options.warnmissingsimfile

A bool-like flag for raising a warning when function simulationstep() is called for the first time directly by the user.

Defaults usually to true but during test to false:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert not pub.options.warnsimulationstep
>>> del pub.options.warnsimulationstep
>>> assert pub.options.warnsimulationstep

A bool-like flag for raising a warning when a Variable object trims its value(s) not to violate certain boundaries.

To cope with the limited precision of floating-point numbers, only those violations beyond a small tolerance value are reported (see function trim()).

Defaults usually to true but during test to false:

>>> from hydpy import pub
>>> assert not pub.options.warntrim
>>> del pub.options.warntrim
>>> assert pub.options.warntrim